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CoffeeInfused Mar 2015
Narcissus in chains
Head hung in shame
Where once was beauty
Now nothing remains
No other to blame
Self-bound and tamed
The pitiful, once proud
Narcissus in chains

A flower in bloom
Eventually wilts
Bright leaves growing dim
As essence is spilt
Lifeblood grows weak
Decrepit and stained
All pretty things fade
As the earth lays claim
Broken and twisted
Like narcissus in chains

Reflected in a pool
An image shows true
Until shattered and torn
By a rock falling through
Rippling, tattering
Illusion no more
Cracked and fragmented
As one's inner core
And what's left on shore
Now forever is changed
Who made you so
Oh, narcissus in chains

Time steals beauty
And flowers, they rot
Clear pools dry up
Their waters forgot
As things fall to change
One still remains:
The pitiful, once proud
Narcissus in chains
CHORUS: O suitably-attired-in-leather-boots
Head of a traveller, wherefore seeking whom
Whence by what way how purposed art thou come
To this well-nightingaled vicinity?
My object in inquiring is to know.
But if you happen to be deaf and dumb
And do not understand a word I say,
Then wave your hand, to signify as much.

ALCMAEON: I journeyed hither a Boetian road.
CHORUS: Sailing on horseback, or with feet for oars?
ALCMAEON: Plying with speed my partnership of legs.
CHORUS: Beneath a shining or a rainy Zeus?
ALCMAEON: Mud's sister, not himself, adorns my shoes.
CHORUS: To learn your name would not displease me much.
ALCMAEON: Not all that men desire do they obtain.
CHORUS: Might I then hear at what thy presence shoots.
ALCMAEON: A shepherd's questioned mouth informed me that--
CHORUS: What? for I know not yet what you will say.
ALCMAEON: Nor will you ever, if you interrupt.
CHORUS: Proceed, and I will hold my speechless tongue.
ALCMAEON: This house was Eriphyle's, no one else's.
CHORUS: Nor did he shame his throat with shameful lies.
ALCMAEON: May I then enter, passing through the door?
CHORUS: Go chase into the house a lucky foot.
And, O my son, be, on the one hand, good,
And do not, on the other hand, be bad;
For that is much the safest plan.
ALCMAEON: I go into the house with heels and speed.



In speculation
I would not willingly acquire a name
For ill-digested thought;
But after pondering much
To this conclusion I at last have come:
This truth I have written deep
In my reflective midriff
On tablets not of wax,
Nor with a pen did I inscribe it there,
For many reasons: LIFE, I say, IS NOT
Not from the flight of omen-yelling fowls
This fact did I discover,
Nor did the Delphine tripod bark it out,
Nor yet Dodona.
Its native ingunuity sufficed
My self-taught diaphragm.


Why should I mention
The Inachean daughter, loved of Zeus?
Her whom of old the gods,
More provident than kind,
Provided with four hoofs, two horns, one tail,
A gift not asked for,
And sent her forth to learn
The unfamiliar science
Of how to chew the cud.
She therefore, all about the Argive fields,
Went cropping pale green grass and nettle-tops,
Nor did they disagree with her.
But yet, howe'er nutritious, such repasts
I do not hanker after:
Never may Cypris for her seat select
My dappled liver!
Why should I mention Io? Why indeed?
I have no notion why.


But now does my boding heart,
Unhired, unaccompanied, sing
A strain not meet for the dance.
Yes even the palace appears
To my yoke of circular eyes
(The right, nor omit I the left)
Like a slaughterhouse, so to speak,
Garnished with woolly deaths
And many sphipwrecks of cows.
I therefore in a Cissian strain lament:
And to the rapid
Loud, linen-tattering thumps upon my chest
Resounds in concert
The battering of my unlucky head.

ERIPHYLE (within): O, I am smitten with a hatchet's jaw;
And that in deed and not in word alone.
CHORUS: I thought I heard a sound within the house
Unlike the voice of one that jumps for joy.
ERIPHYLE: He splits my skull, not in a friendly way,
Once more: he purposes to **** me dead.
CHORUS: I would not be reputed rash, but yet
I doubt if all be gay within the house.
ERIPHYLE: O! O! another stroke! that makes the third.
He stabs me to the heart against my wish.
CHORUS: If that be so, thy state of health is poor;
But thine arithmetic is quite correct.
Hindered by progress, or the idea of progress:
evolution-in-waiting bellows me to hide,
tattering becomes ruination.

Animism creeps,
not-yet hands pushing at dim velvet.
Peeping one-eyed through the past
where had borne such potent promise
immutability lain intact
flumped into snowy thickness
and thrown hard against Georgian glass.

Here comes the stealth of unillumination
thankfully blanketing
they were tied at the hips
and neck,
then wrapped as old mirrors.

That door went nowhere
it always does
those Victorians, forever meddling,
will folly themselves into any trouble.

You haven’t changed one bit!
I say to myself,
showing you their brand new niceness
***** as copper pans.
Go on, spit in my fire
the hiss is the thing that’s real.
Lady Bird Feb 2017
with each gust of gloom
transparent emotions flow
a whistling tender breeze
lingering a lonely rhythm

realigning clouds of smog  
hovering tattering trees
leaving behind a silhouette
absorbing shadows of sorrow

all alone a locked heart
searching for unknown hope
humming the bitter dreams
of a darkened and lost soul
Inspiring Image ---
Black Swan Mar 2010
Timing is everything;
Even the weather,
Comes into play.
A cold and rainy
Late-Sunday afternoon
Is no time to end
A love relationship:
To say goodbye for
A very long time; nor,
To remember someone
Crying as you walk away.
Glistening, dark-colored umbrellas
Reflect sad, gray clouds
Drifting so slowly by.
Rain drops mask the tears:
The sighs and sobs of
Gloom weighed heavily by
An incessant, pervasive rain--
Pit, pat, pattering on
Tin roofs; or, plat, plop, plopping on
Foggy windows; or
***, tat, tattering
On walls already swollen
With grief and misery.
Yes, timing is everything!
Even the weather comes
Into play when you finally
Have to say to someone
“Goodbye”, forever, and,
“I do not love you anymore.”
Black Swan © 2008
Sean C Johnson Sep 2013
Eyes slam shut tight, french doors with frosted glass only the harsh lights peer through thin eye lids, images disappear behind the blurred misconceptions
I'm in love with the concept of love but fearful of rejection
scared she will have keen senses, ample for the detection
of a life without direction
I slam these eyes shut praying she won't catch the hint of whiskey on my teeth chattering
I am a stones throw from entertaining but a star's trip from flattering
As my fidgeting nervous hands are tearing and tattering
the napkins on the table, fingers delicately dance along the coffee creamers racing for the spoon
pretending she reminds me of anyone but you
but her eyes stare at me the way yours do
she laughs at every pointless joke I make too
her lips curl so perfectly over the coffee mug, pink and full of life, vibrant and smooth
I'm a hopeless, lost soul
aching for control
of emotions that know no master, strings never attached allowing me to pull the puppet to it's proper place
I know it's written across my face
letters of your name mix around and re-arrange
eyes slammed shut because the ache of knowing she's just rushing through my heart's void, a winter's draft through a cracked window pane
Leaves me with a void, where your marks will always remain
Gidgette Sep 2017
Looking into the still,
black waters
that is your
imagined soul,
My withering prince,
everything held within,
a mere reflection of the
nothingness of time
And did it hurt,
My withering prince?
When I fell through
all the nothingness
that is you?

My empty memories,
of your stone hands
bleed the spaces
between seconds,
between dry tears
And I likened my soul,
to the yellowing pages
of an aged book,
with every touch

My withering prince,
did it hurt,
when I fell through,
all the nothingness,
that is you?~A
Watson Meyer  Mar 2012
Love Story
Watson Meyer Mar 2012
It was raining today at a town in Nevada, the odd thing about this town was that it never got cold rain, this rain seemed to come directly from the tropics. No one wore coats on this day, and no one held umbrellas to cover them from the rain. The warmth of this rain brought excitement to this small town like they never see before that.  This was a special day in the High School of this small town, but no one felt it, only a few will ever understand why today in the warm rain is such a special day. Two people feelings come together today, and it will be one of the most blossoming relationships to ever occur on this earth. This couple will go on to help thousands of Struggling Families and tattering couples get back on track, but this story is not about their accomplishments, but of their feelings, thoughts, and strong love for each other at an early age.
This young, hard working, and quiet boy’s name is Michael, and he hasn’t found where he belongs in this school yet. He has friends who he eats lunch with, but he is barely part of their life. It seems to him, that he is literally invisible to his peers, his elders, and anyone in between. All this never really bothered him because he never knew what feelings were as a friend or as a person in general. In fact when she started thinking continuously about one girl, he did not understand at all why he was doing such an odd thing. He was a good boy, he knew what school was about and the only real woman he’s come close to is his mother. He shouldn’t be having these feelings. Even though it made no sense, he still thought what color she likes, if she wanted roses or lilies, and all the questions needed to know to make the move without making a fool out himself. He didn’t understand love and really was worried for his health.  On this special day, under the warm rain, he never knew what would happen, nor did he feel it, but it did happen, and it changed his life. Leaving his English class, he stepped into the heated rain started heading towards his Algebra class continually thinking about this girl he sees every day, and will see her in a few moments. There was a bit of a clearing where the lockers were settled, and he was starting to walk by her just to see her before he went to the next class. As he started to walk by, she closed her locker, and then was shoved out of the crowd trying to get to the lockers. She was shoved straight into Michaels arms. His books dropped and she replaced it all. She stood in his arms and he was speechless. She was a bit disoriented, and as she looked up, her hair flowed down her face. She looked into his dark green eyes drenched in passion staring at her secret love, and they both felt so much passion never felt before. She was saying nothing to him, just starting into his eyes. Somewhere in Michael’s mind, it kept telling him it was dream. The world around him meant nothing at all. People walked by both of them like they were statues. They couldn’t move at all, and they never did. Finally, the girl shocked out of this beautiful trance, and realized what was happening. She started apologizing and handing his book to him. After Michael got all his books, still speechless, gave a small nod. She said “My names Charlotte” and he realized he has never even known her name. Michael finally did something  “Michael” was all he could stutter. She gave the most beautiful  smile he has ever seen.

— The End —