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Dance in the rain
Where no one can hear you screaming.

Dance in the rain
Where no one hears you crying.

Dance in the rain
Where you make all your moves
Till you're exhausted and you fall down

Dance in the rain
Where you'll rise up clean from the mud.

Rain inspired🌧️
I am 2 persons in one body
I pray to God and I hate the church
I love myself and I hate my neighbor
I pray for the sick and I **** with my tongue

I am 2 persons in one body
I am a Christian and secret sin is my hobby
I work in the church and refuse duties at home
I respect the pastor and despise my parents

I am 2 persons in one body
different personalities I portray
you can summon the one you want
whenever you need it. Hot or Cold.
I am 2 in 1.
pi, pi ,pi ,pi...
that's the sound
my ears could hear.
It wasn't deafening
for I couldn't bear
the emerging pain
that would fill my heart.

one three it's thirteen,
into the second month
of a hundred of days.
oh my! don't leave so soon
our anniversary tomorrow
to be marked by an event
of the probability of your existence.

Flowers to your bed,
I bring you a card
that you should read.
though you're unresponsive
I thought to read it out loud
Will you be my valentine?
and then you sneezed.

A poem of reviving love.
I hope y'll like it
Write me an Ode,
To The motherland
That births black oil
Tell her, that her children
Have almost forgotten Her.
As her traits are traded
For the white mans knowledge
And  melanin is now bleached
For a bright glowing skin.
There is need for her,
To call her children together
Under the mango tree
And reinstall the black attitude.
For  mother earth yearns for her
To tell the story of our hero’s past
And instill our negritude.
Write me an ode to blackness.

— The End —