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Sumina Thapaliya
Nepal    Speak the language of silent thoughts...!!
Illumination Workshop
25/Agender/Germany    Hello, my name is Umi. I enjoy the arts of poetry philosophy and conversation. My hobbies are cooking, gardening reading, archery and writing! I like …
Luminosity Cat
United States    ♥ "T h e s w e e t e s t s m i l e s h o l d t h e …
F    My book 'Age of the Sun' is now available on Amazon. Link:
23/F/Belgium    Just some chick bitching about her effed up life and stuff...
Shiyahumi Chouske
25/M    Always fighting the darkness.
everything and nothing all at once it's always something twenty-three
Harumi Ikeda
Being alone is pure bliss. At the end of my road is a fork you can't miss. The left takes you to pain. The right, …
Rumi Arie
Reculer Pour Mieux Sauter.
Madhumitha Rajasekaran
Am Not Writer Nor do I know to write poem like a poet but I love to pour my heart out through words... Because I …
26/F/Philippines    I am brave.✨ My weapon is my heart and my pen. The ink is my existence. ♥️
Belgium    Trying to express myself in a kinda anonymous way
Caitlin Tuminello
Colorado    "We've come a long way without maps in our hands."
imagine aluminum
till the urge strikes: leave fingers off keys, leave pens out of hands, don't think, just feel. when the urge strikes: write like hell.
James Humigas
27/M/France    Sens ce que je ressens | Feel me
Azumi Rabulan
F/Philippines    For those who inspired it, and will not read it.
Kolkata, India.    Born and brought up around abundant nature. Poetry got hold of me in teens. After education, roamed around five surrounding states for livelihood. Now settled …
Kasumi Lorris Grey
the other Umi
babble of the brook    Sometimes I write, sometimes I bleed.
"Sometimes there are things better left unsaid and best written down." (C) || Jesus.❤️ || Free Will. ||
Natsumi Nakai
a lumbering soul but trying to fly twitter: natttchin
Yumiko Sakata
24/F/California    I am just another soul wandering this planet's surface on what I am meant to be.

— The End —