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Robin  Carretti
F/Hightstown,NJ    Hello Poetry Planet, I am a creative writer. With self expression words well placed using my Inner-voice. Real imagery I am an Author of the …
scientists shocked!!black hole achieves sentience; writes shitty poems
Robin Lemmen
26/F/Berlin, Germany    I think my thoughts are too much to speak of out load but the right amount of messy to write poems about.
Ian Robinson
20/M    The hate I harbour, fuels my desire to love
Yuba city. Cal   
The Burgh    Native to Pittsburgh, PA with ties to Toronto, Canada "Deep within us, lies a poet of substance ready to be engaged" AR
Neon Robinson
22/F/Island of Hawaii    warrior princess ~ a little less domesticated I grew up in Hawaii and now i live in the jungly countryside
Christopher Robin Knorr
Raleigh NC    25, Human, Art
Ariana Robinson
23/F/Birmingham, Alabama    Someone once asked me how did I find my happiness... I told them I created it.
42/F/Haughton, LA   
Robin Goodfellow
My name is Robin Goodfellow. I am a poet, as well as an novelist. I enjoy writing, simply because it offers me a place where …
19/M/British Columbia    Catharsis through poetry.
Sara Robinson
Camaury Robinson
Atlanta, GA    There's no great genius without some touch of madness..
28/GA, USA    Poetry is not just a hobby to me. It is a way to spread love and happiness through experiences. Bringing us all together through emotions …
Robin Marie
The Middle of Nowhere    Everyone seems to have poetic and beautiful bios but we're not gonna do that here. Basically I post bad poems and sometimes people like them. …
15/Non-binary/"Home"    Hiding from the world under the name Robin
William Robinson
I enjoy tacos and poetry but mostly tacos.
Summer Sky Robins
I'm a lonesome soul. I can't speak the words I feel. They bury themselves in my skin, on my lips, but will never escape. Its …
Olivia Robinson
NY    just a young lady trying to live a peaceful life full of spontaneous stories and adventures. expecting the unexpected. peace&&blessings;.
kassie robinson
texas    I'm 15 years old, am a sweet , quite girl , willing to help anyone who wants to talk about anything.
F/Texas    Right-brained communicatrix. Native Austin flower child residing in Dallas. Passionate about life, love, dogs, football, writing, painting, conquering fears, and...cupcakes.

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