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Nancy E Tracy
Texas    I have been writing poetry since the '70's. I like whimsical poetry. I have won a few awards when I was active in "World of …
Veritia Venandi
F    A parenthesis in eternity,trying to extend the realms of existence every passing moment through the language of words...! Peace be with you all! :)
Mathew P Nangolo
24/M/Ondangwa/ Namibia    #instagram @mathewnangolo @ #Writing industry is my play background #writing is my therapy #My pen speak louder than my own voice #pen on and welcome …
David Noonan
Ireland    I don't believe in an interventionist God but I know, darling, that you do but if I did I would kneel down and ask him …
NEW DELHI    I was born before India's Independence. Graduated with Honors in English Literature from Presidency College Calcutta, and also obtained a first class in MBA. Joined …
WRITING is my passion .... My way of uttering my emotion .. Through dis I indulge into madness My way of letting out my bitterest …
Nanna Harrow Haley Y
NoplacewhereIbelong    What's it like inside your mind? What's your story? :) Sorry I haven't written for a while. ^-^
north Carolina    Stupid us for thinking we were in love. Stupid me for thinking I was finally good enough..
jasmine fernandez
Indore, India.    A research scholar at IIT Indore, who loves translating her emotions into words.Words are not enough to translate them though it allows venting partly what …
Julia Brennan
cognitive dissonance
20/F    wine to water
Philippines    “You can make anything by writing.” ― C.S. Lewis
The Lonely Remnants
18/M    Creatively Cliche . All my poems are protected under copyright laws . IG:harshit_nangia23
Keenan Akeem
Omaha, NE    22, just looking for the right path in life to walk through. I have a poetic soul as along with a genuine heart. I hope …
........................................... e.h ........................................... We all are broken thats how the light gets in
Maria Hernandez
F/New Jersey    Just want to inspire
nana nilsson
kbh, dk    "Directly, or indirectly, everything we write is for someone."
Jonathan Fernandez
**Update** Recently, my brother passed away. It was, and still is, the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. I took a looong break …
Thomas McEnaney
“the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of …
17/F/earth    “courage, dear heart” cs lewis

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