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KellzKitty  Mar 2015
KellzKitty Mar 2015
Letting the darkness consume me
Letting go of the light
Letting myself drown in sorrow
Letting myself give up the fight
Letting the darkness reach my soul
Letting the light escape me
Letting myself sink slowly below
Letting life defeat me
Letting the darkness become one with my soul
Letting the light vanish from my mind
Letting myself sink to the fathoms below
Letting myself not fight for life
Letting life leave me alone
Finally letting everything add up
Finally letting myself go
i love to write
and pour my soul
into all i know and all i feel
but the urge is diminished
when the pieces just fit
when the day is done
and the world just works
and i'm all gratitude
with not a burden to write of

it's strange
it's because i'm content
some semblance of happy
from the peace i found
from letting it go
letting bygones be bygones
letting others control themselves
letting things work out
letting things fall through the cracks
letting the space take its time
letting the moments go by
letting the world turn
letting the waves roll
letting the clouds float
letting the rain pour
letting the sun shine
letting me be me
in all my glories
and all my fails

it was time to be different
than all that wallowing and gloom
and i'm still trying to find
just what changed in me
to turn my life around
and right now i know
it's a beautiful day
to talk about beautiful things
through the words i create
in this beautiful sentiment
that i call my own poem
it's about time i wrote one
that has some uplifting
to remind myself
to keep this just for today
with promise for tomorrow
i never write enough when things are going good, and i can't explain that. i write when i'm troubled or depressed. i suppose to work through my feelings or to vent them. but i love to write. and being happy is no excuse to stop.
Tintswalo Nov 2013
I will let go of me for you
No matter the cost
Your love seems to brighten the new me
Not reaching to the standard I have set
My heart is satisfied with your smile
Letting go of me is easy
Learning what you want me to be is hard

Giving up on myself
I walk on the shoes of this person
She is only known by you
You made her
I try to keep up with the requirements
Just so I dont loose you
While letting go of me

I am letting go of me for you
Like a infant gazing in his mother's eyes
Reading her every thought
I stare at your movements
Learning each meaning of your words
I dont want to loose you
I become who you want me to be
I am letting go of me for you

As I let go of myself
What will happen to me when you gone
What a dangerous thing to do
Letting go of my whole existence for love
Who will be me when I become you
The perfect creature that laughs so freely

I am letting go of you for me
Someone will one day appreciate
The me that loves so easily
The I that enjoys dancing in the rain
He will cherish the moments you took for granted

I am not letting go of me
But I am letting go of you
Goodbye my love
I am embracing the beauty given as a gift
It is in me
I can't let go of it
I am letting go of you for me
At 2.22
I said goodbye to you. 
I took one last, longing look
And closed down the book
You said goodbye and meant it
And i just sat and cried
'I'd taken your love and bent it
Till u had nothing left inside.'
So I'm 
I'm Letting go of my dream
I'm Letting go of my life
I'm Letting go of the one thing 
I shoulda held on to with all my might
I'm letting go
My angel 
I'm letting go.
I'd waited an age 
For you to turn the page
And when you finally held me
It was love for all to see
But bitterness and silence
Turned passion into pain
And stubborn assed defiance 
Means You want love me again
So I'm 
I'm Letting go of my dream
I'm Letting go of my life
I'm Letting go of the one thing 
I shoulda held on to with all my might
I'm letting go
My angel I'm letting go.
And the thought of you in someone's arms
Is tearing me apart
It's only you that I can see
So what do I tell my heart?
When my heart asks me 
At 2.22
I said goodbye to you.
I took one last, longing look
And closed down the book
You said goodbye and meant it
And i just sat and cried
'I'd taken your love and bent it
Till u had nothing left inside.'
So I'm
I'm Letting go of my dream
I'm Letting go of my life
I'm Letting go of the one thing
I shoulda held on to with all my might
I'm letting go
My angel
I'm letting go.
I'd waited an age
For you to turn the page
And when you finally held me
It was love for all to see
But bitterness and silence
Turned passion into pain
And stubborn assed defiance
Means we'll never love again
So I'm
I'm Letting go of my dream
I'm Letting go of my life
I'm Letting go of the one thing
I shoulda held on to with all my might
I'm letting go
My angel I'm letting go.
And the thought of you in someone's arms
Is tearing me apart
It's only you that I can see
So what do I tell my heart?
When my heart asks me
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
letting the pen right
letting the ink hit the paper
and smear what you think is wrong

letting the hand learn
letting the mind unfold
and move that smear into words

letting the words combined
letting the feelings come forth
leaving today in writing

letting the vocal cords oversee
letting the unspoken, forget
and push me further into the page
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Claire Elizabeth Aug 2014
Dear J,
   I may be at a loss for words half the time, and the other half I might have too much to say, but I can almost always say this; I love you. I have felt fear and I have felt bravery and I have felt loss. I can look pictures of us and I can recall everything we did that day. I can listen to videos of you and I can tell what you felt. And I know that you didn't think I was paying attention, but I knew how you looked when you thought something was unfair. And I knew the look in your eyes when you saw the light just right in a sunset and you knew that nothing could ever be recreated quite like that. I felt the same way about you.
   Wherever you are, know that loving someone isn't a matter of feeling something or not feeling something. It's a matter of knowing what you're feeling and when you need to let go.
   I think that people know that letting go involves unfurling your fingers and watching something fall from a great height. It's the act of following that objects downward motion that gets to us. That once it meets the ground or whatever surface it is deemed to hit, it's gone. What was there is gone. And once you think about that you think of what could have been there. That one last touch, that one last feeling of bliss that comes with knowing that the moment you wake up the sun will be shining in rivulets through fingers that tangle in hair fresh off the pillow. It's sad to know that nothing like that will happen again.
   The sun won't shine the same way. Instead it may simply fall. It won't cascade, it won't flow over the edges of noses or smiling lips. It's the same way water may lose a stone from a riverbed and from there on after it doesn't run quite the same way. But another stone, another pebble will fall in place because replacement happens.
   I guess what I'm trying  to say, is that letting go is letting someone else take a spot. In order for something else to happen you have to let your joints move out of their grip and unfold from their hold on something that wasn't meant to be held by you anymore.
   Sometimes you have to let them land somewhere new.
I only hope that it's somewhere even more beautiful than before.
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
Let me
rephrase this
Letting go ask
my (Big Sis)
Tis the Season
All his letting go
I am confusing myself
My shelf still but stubborn
Born to know the
death Urn
Its been a long time
Thinking how the
world turns

I am not the one to be
letting go
Letting go of
your maid
Letting go of
Guilt-free Gardner
But how can
people ever leave
their Mother

I cannot get you
out of my mind
Pineapple upside down
Bent out of shape upside cake
And you know my downside
Always laying on
my left side
Like the right fashion flash
H & M
Of him Hmm_?
I believe
in miracles
The learning process- Go principles
Like the Pinnacle
What a disciple

But I am not your
Raggedy Annie
Like your ready
to choke me
I remember you lived in a slum
I'm' the better "Bazooka Chewing"
Gum hum yum
All Graffiti
*******  painter the
whole lump

The Egyptian
Queen Nefertiti
The Sattelite Taurus
Bull Ram
The Mad-men but
the ladies big slam
The first plan
didn't work

Always Plan B
So Brutal darling
Please believe me
When I tell you
I love you
Website Prim and proper
Knowing your place and
All the trademarks
Central Park or
The Center of attention
The Goodfella detention
Over ice the Skaker
Her beauty marks
The true kiss comeback
bump-**** note
The camelback vote
Presidential Trump
One-day- creation
Two day-letting go

Such maturity
to realize my mission
I didn't have to
my mind
How General
things can be
Managerial so cordial
Or the materialistic me?
If I sang out all your affairs
Like the Pedigree
Shop until I drop you
Like Gum-drop
HBO I'm the Boho
Mr. Spencer shop
College drop-out
What am I chop liver
Letting go I don't really no?
What is on the next agenda
to Deliver not Pizza
The letting go it's not easy Suzie homemaker
he's the heartbreaker the letting go teaches you to what you really need to know and boy She knows let's not go we have work to do I think by now you know
Letting go, of everything not of you.
Letting go, of everything that is trash.
Letting go, of all of yesterdays issues.
Letting go, so that God can use us all.
Letting go, freeing both of my hands.
So that I can pick up your will Lord.
Letting go, and hanging onto you God.
Letting go, and waiting on you Holy One.
Letting go, and allowing your will here.
Arlene Corwin Apr 2021
Sometimes poetry is story telling, sometimes didactic teaching, sometimes a combination of both.

A Letting Go & Letting In

A ‘ballsy’ lady I know well,
Who doesn’t hesitate to tell
Those she considers foes, to ‘go to hell’
Considers meditation
Self-deception and delusion,
Which ‘dislike’ inspired me to re-define
In easy terms,
A practice I consider firm.

Meditation, as I find it, see it, use it
Is a mind full, filled by focus, plus,
A letting go and letting in
A ‘thing’ you can’t put finger on.
All these three are meditation.
These, a brain that’s working on
A different plane or several planes.

I admire her for her ‘*****’
But sympathize a mind the sees life as a
Nothing worthy or an all.
She may be missing what’s behind -
Which may be spirit or a soul;
Some non-something behind the earth
Contactable by non-thing faith.
No meter there to measure pleasure;
Or to calculate its treasure.

A Letting Go & Letting In 4.23.2021 To The Child Mystic II; The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II; Arlene Nover Corwin
I am letting go of my past mistakes and  all of my disappointments.
I am letting go of my pride, my selfish desires and selfish dreams.
I am letting go of my hurt, anger, and all that keeps me failing you.
I am letting go of myself and focusing solely on you my Savior God.
I am letting go of my past, because its where I fail you daily basis.
I am letting go of all of this darkness that tries to hold me prisoner.
I am letting go of everything that does not edified you Lord.
I am hanging onto my Sisters and brothers on Facebook and here.
I am hanging onto my Living Savior who shall bring me through.
I am hanging onto all that is from Christ my Living Savior.
Nhlanhla Moment Feb 2014
The burning wick picks the bright pink flowery foliage
And I know that our love has lived and ended
The breaths I exhale whisper a cold relief
And how I would return to my loneliness wraps me in disbelief

Of what the moments were, memories remain
All of the colour and the horrifying pain
Right to the flavour of emotional highs that left a stain
A romantic ballad which is fit to be a fairy’s fairy-tale fame

How twisted the events have been
but there is no winner in this game
Only players and the order is sung by the horn-blower
As the world that matters would have it --- poetic deposits make returns slower
The keeper of a love is the money-spender and whistle-blower

And we soldiers of love return to the
only thing we know to be real, our refuge of solitude…
I played, I played a tune,
it was melodious but the flower prohibited to bloom kept the rhythm blue…
I will remember you, so long lover and letting go is letting go

Goodbye will do us no good as we go on by
May you be true to your heart and overcome your fears
May you find solace in a loving friend for all your tears
It has been an education loving you but Letting go is letting go, so on I go.

— The End —