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Joe Cottonwood
La Honda    I like this place. I post first drafts of poems here, later withdraw them to revise and re-think, send to poetry journals, then re-post them ...
M/Las Montanas Del Paso    Philosopher and writer. All material copyrighted.
Scott F Hemingway
Scott T
Scot Powers
Calgary ,Alberta, Canada    I consider myself more of a singer /songwriter, but a good friend of mine suggested I try this as well.. I love it.. Hoping to ...
Scott Madden
United Kingdom    Young, uninteresting, developing a voice.
Scottie Green
I am one of three. I was born in a concrete city surrounded by grey where there was supposed to be blue. I lead a ...
Somewhere O'r the Rainbow    I write because I am compelled to. I read for the same reason; I am hungry and compelled to learn to quell that hunger. Writing ...
64/M/schwenksville, penna    lxiv roe man years ago, this average chap exited kraal. me once quaint space - utero - waz yielded against choice entity. gestation invoked mother ...
Ricci Moon ScottBCM
The Inn Between    Trying, Failing, Trying Failing, Trying Succeeding, Whining and Complaining, Walking and Falling, Rising and Banging My Head Against This Wall Again, Sign, Signs, Signs EveryWhere ...
River Scott
Kentucky    I bleed words.
Kit Scott
16/M/Edinburgh, Scotland    Half vent space, half desperate attempt to be taken seriously.
Bridgette Scotch
South Africa    I have not a clue who i am.
Scott Hamsun
22/M/Bergen    Nothing here is autobiographical
Peyton Scott
Canada    I believed that I wanted to be a poet, but deep down I just wanted to be a poem.
Ashlei Cottom
Shelton,WA    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Amanda Scott
United States of America    My name is Amanda. I am 20 years old and a work in progress when it comes to writing poetry. I have always been a ...
Irvine, Ca.    I was born in Ohio in the fifties. The youngest of four, my parents found me different than my siblings. I was dyslexic and unable ...
Hannah Draycott
21/F/Nottingham, UK    Get sad with me :)
Chalaine Scott
New York City.
Scott A Grant
Follow the journey through my life experiences, unscripted thoughts and visionary insights. Always give passion a second look, the truth is what they believe. I ...

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