The story of The Viper and The Mountain, is a sad tale to tell,
but it's really quite a story so listen very well.
There The Mountain was, armor clad and tall.
Before him many men had stood, but every one did fall.
But then a Viper came a calling.
"revenge" he said "revenge"
for the mountain had slew his sister, it was her he meant to avenge.
The Viper stabbed the The Mountains sore, right in his mighty chest.
and so The Mountain fell like any other wall of flesh.
The Viper was a quick man, though not quite that wise, so blind was he by revenge The Mountain caught him by surprise.
The Mountain grabbed The Viper's head, and crushed it like a grape,
And so it was The Viper died, never to avenge his sisters ****.
A sad song to be sure, a gruesome tale indeed,
so lets raise our glasses high and forget it over mead.