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Christina Rossetti


England    Walk with me pilgrim/ Together, in the Springtime/ We will write haiku............
Justin S Wampler
30/M    Pens were designed with wordful purposes, our hands and minds serve only as catalysts.
Austin Ryskamp
26/M/Michigan    Expressing things I can’t say out loud, on paper so that it can say it for me.


Roxy DeNoir Jul 2013
Robot girl made of tin
Owns no heart
To break apart
Robot girl made of tin

Robot girl made of tin
Has no emotions to feel
No hurting to heal
Robot girl made of tin

Robot girl made of tin
No reason to live
No desire to give
Robot girl made of tin

Robot girl made of tin
No reason to die
No secrets to hide
Robot girl made of tin

Robot girl made of tin
Sees the sky
Doesn't care to fly
Robot girl made of tin

Robot girl made of tin
Doesn't work
Habitual irk
Robot girl made of tin

Robot girl made of tin
No power to gain
No desire for fame
Robot girl made of tin

Robot girl made of tin
Never thinks deep
Or promises keep
Robot girl made of tin
I love this poem
Hunter K Feb 2015
The tin warrior,
Stands tall and strong,
His creator looks in horror,
As his new creation has gone terribly wrong.

The tin warrior was suppose to have no heart,
But no, he came out with a part,
The tin warrior was the key to victory,
Now who ever wins the war is a pure mystery,
Who do they blame for this new creation?
Obviously the one who created all this frustration!

The tin warrior has a half a heart,
Not the best, but it is a start,
Instead of stone cold,
It became pure gold,
Only one person knows why,
And it most certainly wasn't the creator guy.

The daughter of the creator,
She was the one,
She may be a traitor,
But she knows what she had done.

The tin warrior was better than a weapon,
The daughter knew that,
She doesn't regret her choices for a second,
The tin warrior was even better than her father was aiming at.

The tin warrior was build for peace,
His sword pure white,
Not a speck of blood upon it,
To walk he used all his might,
To keep his heart pumping,
He struggled greatly,
What the daughter witnessed,
Make her quite shaky.

You see, a heart was meant for man,
And the tin warrior just wasn't it,
The tin warrior went out with a plan,
So he left a dent in this world,
Letting himself shut down,
Knowing his plan was unfurled,

Everything would be fine without him,
As he did his part,
The daughter was grim,
But knew this was just the start,
The tin warrior saved many souls,
And now it was her turn to achieve the tin warriors goals.
Amado Nervo  Jun 2017
El granizo
¡Tin, tin, tin, tin! Yo caigo del cielo, en insensato
redoble, al campo y todos los céspedes maltrato.
¡Tin, tin! ¡Muy buenas tardes, mi hermana la pradera!
Poeta, buenas tardes, ¡ábreme tu vidriera!
Soy diáfano y geométrico, tengo esmalte y blancura
tan finos y suaves como una dentadura,
y en un derroche de ópalos blancos me multiplico.
¡La linfa canta, el copo cruje, yo... yo repico!
Tin, tin, tin, tin, mi torre es la nube ideal:
¡oye mis campanitas de límpido cristal!
La nieve es triste, el agua turbulenta; yo sin
Ventura, soy un loco de atar, ¡tin, tin, tin, tin!
...¿Cenduras? No por cierto, no merezco censuras;
las tardes calurosas por mí tienen frescuras,
yo lucho con el hálito del verano
yo soy bello...
                        -¡Loemos a Dios, Granizo hermano!