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Taibhsear Feb 2012
It was always a dream of mine
to capture the tincture that embodies
your sound; the voice that
wakes me from myself.

Words empower, words enslave; your
words gave succinctness to the
days. Periphrastic for show and
glamor, otherwise, it was always one to another.

"I" is for me, as you see fit.
"Love" is for us, as we dream it.
"You" is a sound that reverberates
off caged testimonies.

Sweet to me for sure; good to
you you claim. Please
pour forth that music. Love,
the chords of my harp-heart.
I have no doubt that I could write a book of Philosophy;
and, given enough time and effort,
I think I could even make it short.
"If I had more Time I would have written a shorter letter." -Blaise Pascal
SassyJ Feb 2016
Bonjour Mon Cher,
As the stars rise and the moon lights, I meld you deeply. The time we spent together is so fruitful, with explorations of nature and a friendly company.  You whisk my motivation , the very nature of warmth and strength.  There has been times when my willpower to be strong has been crushed and trampled; muddled in the muddiness of the overflowing pond.

As the duck glides on the rippled calm water, I picture your essence. As it strolls on the waters, deep in thoughts yet conscious and aware of its existence; there you are in the calmness, the stillness of the wavelet. As the duck sets to rise, it flutters. I sensed your edginess and the indecisiveness you have burdened all your life. Indeed, your life has been a challenge. Breath in,feel free and submerge in the depths of the ponds. Then rise again and explore the skies above, for brief moments escape in the dense freshness. Set your being  in the briefness of ecstasy, the succinctness of forever. For your essence is ambient and radiant.

My being is filled with warmth and a reminiscence of the great days. The times when the chariots with it’s magnificent horses would flow in the saccharine grounds. The time frame when the yellowish hue of the daffodils bloomed and shone their beauty to the world. The touch cascading the shivers from one neurone to the next in sequenced loops. The ever-condensed electric magnetism. My mind explodes with the synchronicity of the beauty sacrificed by yours. My soul has woken from it’s hibernation, its departing the doorway of the cave. The cave laid with layers of secrets, mystery and mystic existence.

The nip of the earlobe tip is a pleasure I pass. A chance to trace the resonance of my whispers. More so, a declaration of my naiveness. The statue poising on the plinth of the Romany windows in declaration that she does not understand many things. It’s in the whisper her beauty, my representation. The words that she wants to transpire but as such there is never enough time. Neither is there an eternity, but snippets of memories and moments.

Let me deep inside, to see every thought, to hear every dream to touch the breath of every sound. The existence of everyday living is absent and helpless. However, to love one is to embrace all. Someday, I wonder how we exist in such a dichotomy of life. I would like to hold you and touch you. To feel your oneness coursing in my blood and mind. I try and try to see above this existence. To touch and dream of the beauty, to collapse in the core of the humanness. My drug is ingested in the craziness of realness, an authenticity of the façade that we don day in and out.

Yet as the wind we fade in and out. When our insides are hollow and empty, drenching in lonely paths. But we stand un-fainted and feint. In the chaos of uncovering the curiosity and the depths awaiting to be exploded as the volcano boils. I want you to know that I am alive in your presence, I am real, I am me. This is one of the very rare connections I have had and I respect it. Hope not to whelm with my ambiguousness or eccentricity. I have no expectations and I am not wanting to be owned or own. Tis’ you giving the hungry eyes and Tis’ me who hope you can see beyond my interior.

In retrospection and introversion, welcome to the pleasures and treasures.

Be you,
Sade: Jezebel
David Hilburn Jan 2020
No name provided
Ulterior motive, name your **** ant...
Looking for Mister Judgment, snide
Is a frequent live, and let liberty panic

Shapes of things to come, altogether...
With a role for a sadism, the place and the time...
Of golden opportunity, seeing the worth in better
Patience's, we know the mind to find the history of trying

When, sour, and marveling
Walk into a breed of contempt...
The tooth to announce anxiety, with the health of a body, to sing...
Found in the lapse and severity we eschewed, the very sight of opus lent

Fragile, the certainty of course and vanity, to wish profound
The carriage and the tact, of curiosity's measure, a waiting courage
Lent with a sip of causes conscience, are we the powers that sound
In the hill's, when towering few and forsooth a soon, is in a rage?

Paired with preeminence, and the callous voice of destiny
We know the liberty in our hands, a name of fool's...?
That have the quote and question of a misery, that came to infamy
Like lore in your eye, love is a weary curse, for the succinctness of life's tool's

So what did this make?
Long to rued sincerity and the moment we first a façade of cope
The eye's of passion, so sacred...
Have the distinct quality of sleep, when we are well and alive, with hope

Enter the forces we vie with, and a shouldered soldier of claims
So south of truth, and meaning the carefulness, of a wishful city
When energy's flower and pace the odious, obvious is about our aim's...
Hakikur Rahman  Jan 2021
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Succinctness trembles in the realm of the heart
The watchman of the Seventh Seas goes as far as the signal of light.

Unclean emotions play in a whisper
Scarcity is spreading in the arms of darkness.

Looking back here and there, it's back to the motionless speed
Arranged gardens surrounded by loneliness.

When the wealth of love is lost, it was sad
Looking forward to the glittering sky, hope to get back again.
curt hissy Matthew Scott Harris
who wishes ewe well
to make $cents of the following
mumbo jumbo lettered gumbo.

Hip puck crease see
(ad hoc) key hide dee claim
haint how my noggin
comports itself to take aim,
cuz ear lee aire two
yeast tar dies ague
this hue more us,
in fame muss wordsmith
cure rafting re: son hubble rhyme
doggone cur rafted twin tee ****
hound day hove March
(twenty second of)
tooth house sin twenty two,

(Lifer til death date woo eth death)
an hon nah - bell and clapper bloke
mostly silly key ping (faw) lame
fee bill word tangler,
rustler, mangler, a (name)
grossly misunderstood
acts ill rod gunmetal read rose,
but wean mice elf (in tha same
deep blue sea of
sigh bore space), and tame
ghost of Noah Web stir,
(the "Father of American 
Scholarship and Education").

Mine whole foods (bran)
whole *** graphic image gleefully 
danced like cranberries...
er Shuga plums
buff fore my ayes 
gent lee guy ding even odd lil old
me - disc hum bob yule hated thoughts.

He winked, blinked, and nod did 
'pon every hip proved high fen -
phen hated dub bill loon
colon out fe fie fo fum...

Thus sigh prose seeded 
to brac kit this hen
speckled, pecked, choppy 
ram bulling miss sieve.

Now Kenya boll weave me, i.e.
nope heart tickle to rhyme, 
nor rheas zen, 
hex planes this alien ak queue men?

Thus ice elf seal heck head 
(i.e. spoiler alert selected)
top pick dis gobbledygook de 'zure 
one long in the tooth 
in dent charred papa, who war 
rents, through his 
Engle hush patois rue brick 
mishmash heavy sack crow sank
fill low so fickle road dough mont aid
e'en when deep
into Davy Jones's Locker 

(as taut tummy
by ma gram marred paw, 
he called home and leaved all his life
in Southeastern pence hull Vanya), 
tutoring, this war reed 
red word smith (screeching) 
viva veneer real with no dis ease: 
a broadcast inter gnash shin null plea
from puissant amazing

dragon hill though me
heretofore jest playfully peppering 
this poetic prey lewd pray zing gibberish,
boot ice till dune hot
take for grant (yule hiss sees)
who hit high robe hurt eel lee
cogent, fluent, intelligent,
lambent, overt, reverent...
succinctness, thus strictly for sport
(maya tip pickle mowed

dis hopper end dee)
inure inca ling hued bait tour
ring ship for fools (who russian,
where angels dare toot red),
and back to feeble poetic effort
sum er re: all reed dears mite ache -
against hub bull telescoping confusion
your understandable hub
jake shun accepted.
David Hilburn May 2019
Lips we silence...?
Able bodied and ruing a kiss
Soul's with utmost to prove, completion the win...
In the eaves of solitude, many have to offer, is

Recreation of a time
With paces of prowess and the might of a knowing friend
Simple advance, of a courtesy to the norm, are we to find...
A succor in the stir of adding and inclination, a salt to lend?

See the tale of poor eyes, save the grace of decency...
Wishes and portrayal in few, we excite to tell a different
Story than a riddle in the could, we satisfy the host of tranquility?
Places and mayhem, earning the count of worth in seriousness's lament

See the toil of anger's bell...
Knowing a dry tear, if not terror of instincts quarter
Wink or superior blink's, in the toll of voice, to argue lots well...
Sated form's and the still of the night, to fight a copious pride in sense and order...

In the muss and fuss of an ordinary fame, to conceive of a push
For daylight, we have no turn nor fury, with a caring yet
Of powers that begin and end, with ourselves to remind, a watch
Of appearances, that save a worldly addiction, from winds we met...

Aloof and sour to heel, but with a praise for acknowledge
When is more, that suggests the better of you, like a judge?
Come to succinctness, in the hopes and dreams of where we are, rage?
This home of suffice and chastity's vice, is but a new irony hushed...

Promise the skill's of sunshine, and I will seek thee a curiosity
Intimate a role of simplicity for a guarantee, and spoken will be a needy harmony
Same the truth in a passion's first, and the last of silence, will be virtuosity
Know me, a craving in hours and depend, and we will together see, the morrow have a salt, for now and reasons...
David Hilburn Mar 2020
We in vice
We in due
We in sigh's
We in view

Oft planes of fruition...
Simple justice for friendship and sate
To compare the ideas we made, for intuition?

Weal to advise
Weal to do
Weal to silence
Weal to review...

A cause in the winds of portrayal and change
Through moments of exaction, and the skill's of psyche
We differ, we relent, we expect to be strange
We see you try, when the callous add and make right, might?

Where is voice
Where is don't
Where is sort's
Where is related

Pasts of common gift's, the trust of a future walk
Known by their coping heed for whimsy and wholeness
Turned to each other for a savior's need, never balk
A risen more, mercy and many to wish? is actual rage our bless?

Whole if vast
Whole if didn't
Whole if sense
Whole if reticent

Succinctness, versus the promise of goodly intent...
Truer to form the words, than to let misery have its day
Until the rightness of a compliment, taken to earn and love, has lent
With a raging hold of risks eye, that said we are, another prayer?

World of vice
World of due
World of sigh's
World of views
Call me crazy, but winning a race with...
Light my way...
Drugs are a future dragon
Come to highness, a friend of staying
In time with a cheery smile, and not on the wagon...

And serene justice...
For a needy tomorrow to air
With the spare eye of a wonder's spice?

Appearance's may deceive
Sour notice of a sojourn's dreams
In the way of simpler key's
Looking for a lock, that wasn't, as it seems

Total me a divine wager...
Persistent clouds have me found, in the past
A climate for decision, and the presence of patience
Which, in the name of succinctness, is a comely pass...

At welcoming the truth to sincere asking, the bounding yet
And mightier thoughts, keep well
The choices of stronger haven't, is the mortal coil of a hint
From God, and his angel's...

Where has life been, the count of hysteria
In the now, and with every naked eye to envelop an image
Of a psyche in love, with something besides my dilemma
When heaven has a crush, existence is a care for isolation, to fate:

Worlds weigh themselves in a sincere wait...
Enter the shadows, is the name of the game
Not the ascetic reply of powers, that have failed my sate:
Justice is a shrewd *****, with a sly candor in its aim...

Babies are for me...
Have a lowly smile to a wish in the voice of another
Lovely is a whole denial, for a windy now, to be
A worthier angel, in the fame of a love, to bother...

A sign of the times
A dream that was for any who could include
With sharing and carnal life, the poignant hunger of lines
In a benevolent sky, if a sun is to be a rack, ruin and rued...

Voices have seen it, et. al.
Where the treasures of completeness, serve a decent vanity...
With a stranger honor than suspicion; a sun coughing at your world...?

— The End —