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Maura  Mar 2015
Maura Mar 2015
I think
I want
to subtweet you,
you're a
Adam Mott Dec 2013
Hasn't stopped me yet,
Leaned out the window of her 50s corvette,
See, honey, you thought I was lonely
You failed to see, I found a much better side of me
Now, that is all you will get from me
Ta-ta, baby
Doctors say googling Conscience Falls increases your overall enjoyment of life!!
Raven Apr 2017
Okay New York here we go, today's the day.
That we're speaking in memory of someone who spent their whole life pretending to be someone they never could be
Loved by many but everyone who has ever loved you was a figment of your imagination
What is a person without a spine to hold them up right?
A snake in every sense of the word.
You slithered around your whole life glorifying your misery for a retweet and a spot at an open mic
What better describes the life of a starving artist than to sleep in your car but be found dead in the morning
You said you wished she would meet you at the rocks in Montauk but you were at rock bottom the whole time and no one would meet you there.
And you were down with abandoned ship that washed up against your loneliness
And abandoned things should stay abandoned when they're full of black mold and pathetic
I wrote this poem with my left hand because you felt like you were someone else
And I used my left hand when I finally pulled the plug
Time of death November 28th 1986
danny Aug 2016
i've been thinking more and more about the definition of true love and i'm realizing every day that it's not the boy who ****** me over twice for the same girl
and it's not the ex who told me he was going to **** himself if we didn't get back together
true love isn't tragic endings
i'm learning that true love is the feeling you get when you're in the passenger side of a car and your best friends are yelling along to a song you didn't know they knew
Lauren Pope  Sep 2014
Plugged In
Lauren Pope Sep 2014
I used to Tumble my feelings away until you found my blog. My feelings are backlogged because you've got my URL on your homepage shortcuts next to Google and Pornhub.

I relish the days I used to subtweet you from the club. How I used to let
the bass drown out my thoughts as the beat dropped faster than my faith in you. In us.

I wish I could Insta this moment without worrying you'd see me with him. You ******* stalker get a life. Why are you holding on so tight? Quit covertly favoriting my pics, tweets and reblogs. I'm over it.

Status Update: I'm done with you. You can unfollow, delete and block me now because the only thing you're holding onto is the illusion of closeness. Outside this digital world I'm not a follower, a friend or a subscriber.

I'm the last good thing you had.
Mya  Nov 2016
Mya Nov 2016
You're so stuck in your ego
That you need to think
All my tweets are written for you
How foolish
Robin Heft  Jul 2016
I'd Rather
Robin Heft Jul 2016
I’d rather be called a loner than cool.

I’d rather have a few close friends who care bout my feelings than getting over 200 likes on a picture.

I’d rather spend a Saturday night by myself than doing something I don't want to do with people I don’t want to be with.

I’d rather write my thoughts into a song or a poem than into a 140 character subtweet.

I’d rather work extra hard to get what I want than rely on someone else to do it for me.

I’d rather be happy within myself and my own mind than worry about how others perceive me, because when it’s the end of the day, when the party ends and your friends home and you’re laying on your bed awake at three a.m., you don’t sit there and wonder why you weren’t good enough or what you can do to be good enough.

You sit there, in peace and isolation, and think.

Not about the boys who asked for your number underneath your selfie, or that girl who called you a name in the bathroom during your lunch period, or the rumor you heard about your ex, you sit there and thank yourself.

You thank yourself for taking the time in becoming your own best friend, because once all of the distractions leave your life, you’re all you got.

And if at night, when your family is sleeping and your boyfriend hasn’t texted you back, and the silence is screaming through your mind from the absence of social contact, if you can’t be happy with that silence,

then are you truly happy with anything?
AnEscape  Jul 2015
AnEscape Jul 2015
You claim that you don't love me anymore and you lov(ed) me once and that's enough,
You claim that the momeries are fading as I said but it's for the better?
I wish I can hate you even more than you could've imagined.
I wish I can wake up every morning watching you GONE.
I wish I can do the same, love you once, for fun and just leave whenever I want.
I wish I can go back in time and decide not to love you. I wish!!!
How can you be so heartless?
How can you be so uncaring?
How can a person act in both ways, they have loved you but they suddenly decide that your love is not enough!!!??!?
I feel like **** because of you,
and I am sorry but I wish for you to rotten with me, rotten with the idea of me chasing you wherever you go, which is reality that you ofcourse would never speak about!
Oh ****, because you are just so FILTHY.
You are born to be like that, so ******* heartless.
yeah because you only ACT like you're stupidly strong and happy without me!!! While I chase everywhere, even here, you don't ******* care about me, yet you are reading and waiting for me to right **** about you in public.
How can you be more pathetic that you already are?
If you don't care, why do you subtweet me?
If you don't care, why do you keep reading this ****?
If you don't care, why do you keep checking here? WHY?
Leave me the **** alone.
Leave this page.
I hate you.
you ******* filthy b*
I am NOT writing for your ******* satisfaction!!!! I am writing for myself and I will still love you, because I am not as filthy as you.
Mary-Eliz  Apr 2018
850 New Ones
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
big or small, odd or ordinary
how many do you know
made of one or several letters
you can put them in a row

to make a question or a thought
asking, telling as a sentence ought

come in many forms
lots of vowels
or just one or two
a, e, i, o, or u

keeping track of how much they're used
every year they add a few
like this year's embiggen and mansplain
dumpster fire came along too

wanderworts, bandwidth, kambucha
schnoodle, chiweenie, yorkie-poo
cryptocurrency, bitcoin and welp
hate-watch, subtweet, glamping, too

here's my favorite of the eight hundred fifty -
not to make too much of a fuss -
but wordie's a great add to the dictionary
feels like it was put in just for us

— The End —