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iTs Difficult To Live Mylife,
The Struggle.
The Problems iHave And Keep Creating.
Not Knowing Who iAm
Being A Drug Addict Who Cant Seem To Stop There Bad Habit.
They Say iTs Easy You Just Want To Want iT.
Not iF You Fallen So Low, left All Alone.
iM Deep iN This ****, Deserve To Be 6ft Down To Rest.
iTs The Best.
For Everyone.
iM Doing Nothing But Disappointing The Ones Taking There Time Trying To Support Me.
Wasting There Encouragement Not Knowing iWont Last Long Before iUse And Fall Back in
The Same Cycle All ******* Over Again :/
iTs  Very Sad, To Continue This.
Been To Many Places Yet Nothing Changes,
iM Tired And Overwhelmed .
Why Am iUsing Now?
iFeel Lonely.
This Drug Fills Everything Up inside Of Me.
This is The Reason Why iWent Back To iT.
Before iT Was Cause iLoved The Effects And Kept Trying To Get High Asf Like My 1st Hit,
Then Lead To Me Going At iT Cause
My Body Felt Like iT Couldnt Function Off iT
Which Made Me An Addict .
Loving And wanting To Always Have iT.
Before iT Was Great,
Nobody Knew.
Then they Found Out The Truth.
Ever Since Then Ive Been Living Daily On Lies Having To Hide iT, Denying im On iT When Clearly iTs Obvious.
Chemicals Messing With My Mood ,
My Mind Now Plays Tricks On Me. Dont Know When itl Be Over Cause iDont think il 
 Want To ever Be Sober.
Never Had iThought
Id Actually Be Or Fall inlove.
A Mutual Desire
Something iFeel And People
Dont Call Me insane
Cause iTs A Human Being
Not A Chemical
iRealistically Feel, How iKnow
iTs Real.
He's Better Than Drugs
A Fullfilling
Natural Stimulant dose
My Happiness my
everything, 1st love of my life
iSmile, iLaugh, iHug
Deep Within Me its All an Act.
iFroun, iScream, iCry
Deep Within Me iTs What iFeel
Why Do iFeel Empty?
They Tell Me iHave Everything
A Family, Wealth, Support
iKnow iKnow iKnow
They Say What More?
Idont Know, iDont Feel Alive
iFeel Souless, No interest, lifeless
What Do iWant? What Are
My Needs? To fullfill these Depression Thats deepining .
Run Away
iWanna Run Away
For Bad.
iM Sad And iFeel Hopeless
The Only Thing That iFeel iCan Truly Feel Worth iT
is Dope.
iWanna Take A Hit.
iKnow il Feel Happy
Just if iGet Lit
iWanna Twist Just One last Time
Yes A Relapse
Thatll il risk
iKnow The Consequences
But this is it
iKnow il lose Everything once again but idk iF iHave Enough Heart
iLove, But Not Like iUsed to
This substance is
Itll Take over
Its sour
iWanna use
And im getting closer to the point were i dont care if i lose...
iDont Think
iCould Continue On
ILove Him So Much, But Seeing Him Face To Face
Just Reminds Me Of How ive Done Him Wrong.
The Feel Of Guilt And Shame
How iWish iNever Tried Drugs.
The Reason
To Most of Our Conflicts.
im Laying Down
Emotions Just Tipping Around
Thinking For A Solution
IFeel i Should Just Set Him Free Because All I've Done
Was Just  Disappoint Him
Hes Honestly
Better Off Finding
Another Girl Rather Than me
Iv Done to much
I Feel So Bad
And Don't Think il Ever Forgive Myself For The Lies i Made Him Believe.
I Don't Know How To Express How Much pain
Im Actually Feeling .
Knowing My Lover Now Sees Me Different
And i know he has lost feelings.
How i Regret
Not Being honest from the very start.
iM Sorry
iFeel Guilty When iBuy This **** Now.
Im ******* up, im Truly Sorry
To All My loved ones
Who im letting down again. And instead of Stopping
The minute it gets to me?
Im Thinking
Of how getting my next fix.
iTs Disappointing
Iknow, but iLove iT!
iSay iM iNlove
With The Substance, Then Switch
Up and Say iTs Disgusting.
iDont Know What
iFeel For iT. iM Bipolar When
iT Comes To iT.
At This Point iN My Life iTs
The Only Thing
That Keeps Going Threw Life
With A Smile
On my face
Neil Waldron  Jul 2010
Yes or no?
Neil Waldron Jul 2010
I'm walkin down the halls.
I glance at her, she catches my eye.
She looks back, Ifeel wam as time stalls.
Her mout opens, a beautifal lie.
It was truly,love at first sight.
my fear makes me fail.
forever alone after tonight.
would you like to hear my tale?
it started in the morning.
a day not all to long ago.
i went for a run, took a break to sing.
i got home shower'd and rested.
picked up and played my guitar.
my mind became infested.
i put it down and went out afar.
so i went to the store.
and that is when i saw her.
she caught my eyes, my heart tore.
i knew i needed her.
i approached her, told her i thought she was an angel.
and then i spent too much time away from her and lost my mind.
should i just let it die ro continue it further?
Haych Mar 2014
Thefloorisvibrating, mythoughtsarefading,
I see greyfogmisty,
like clouds of softpillows glistening,
But it'sshifting.

I want to reachout & touchyourhand
Keephoping that you'llmagicallyappear*
a curve starts forming across myfaceoftiredness...

Ifeel warmthinkingofher.
Thefog seemstobelifting and now there's arayof lightpiercing thegrey'grey'ness...

Maybe...if I block out the vibrations&thenoises;
I can picture a newvisionofher...insteadof envisioningamemory
Not of someangel who seems to glowfromheaven, but thewarmth
of hereyes as shesilentlygazed beyondthesilenceoftheunkown,
Thewayshe'dsay myname and makemefeelwhole.

Thefloorisvibrating, mythoughtsarefading
Isee greyfogmisty, like flufflywhitecloudsofsoftpillows..
but it's shifting.
and I'mthinking...
of you..

Having a fairylikeyou as mybestfriend...
is such a giantgianthippo of a blessing
Wrote this in the backseat of a bus on a cold foggy morning...
Inspired by the weather and my angelfairy bestfriend<3
The Struggle Of
Being Dependent On A Substance.
Especially Stimulating Wise
Is So Difficult
My Negative Emotions Are What
Lead me to wanting to
Go and use.
To Get Away Relive
My Weaken Mind.
By Taking The Stress worries racing
Thoughts away
Dissapering Up in smoke
The Sad Feeling,
Every Time iFeel Blue
A Reminder Pops Up remembering
iHave A Cure to turn to.
Numbs Me All Completely
Since im addicted, idont get that first happy feeling, like idid in
The Beginning.
Makes All my pain and misery leave
Yes iknow, temporarily
As iConsume, its consuming
My Natural Happiness Permanently.

— The End —