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  Apr 2017 Sean
Alisha Shibli
There is a feeling inside my heart that’s hard to explain
A hole, an empty void
Whose presence I feel strongly

Having nothing can hurt deeply
It’s a feeling that ******
And doesn't stop pricking

Where will you run?
To failure, guilt, and hurt?
The emptiness will follow like a shadow

Sometimes you'll use words to let it all out
Other times everything will go numb

But the feeling of emptiness stays
Silently screaming
Asking to be filled

You ask how
It says figure out
The cycle is exhausting
So you quietly close your eyes
Hoping to escape from it all for a while
After all tomorrow is another day
And the sun might shine
  Apr 2017 Sean
When she answered I am fine
Her voice cracked
But no one noticed
When she said I am okay
She faked a smile
But no one noticed
When she told you I can do this
You didn't noticed
The tears she tried to hide

Is she that good at pretending
Or does anyone really cares?
Day 16 entry.
This is for you, my friend, I see you. Please don't be afraid to show it all, help yourself..
  Apr 2017 Sean
Finally, I’m rescued
Saved through the hands of love
Now I’m free with my refuge
Soaring like a winged dove

No longer the person I was before
I'm changed. I became different
I was made for something more
My existence was no accident

Joy is not enough
It can’t free you from sadness
Through it, you smile
But still chained in madness

I used to seek for Joy
But it was Love who found me
It was love who rescued me
It was love who set me free

When the oceans rise
In trouble times
Be still and call
In the name of Love

For love does not bring you Joy
Love brings you home
  Apr 2017 Sean
We live, only to perish in the end
We die, to celebrate the life we had

Life takes away things from us
Death takes away our lives

It's a chain, a cycle
Feeding one another

Give and take, but in the end
It's just the same
It's just the same.
  Apr 2017 Sean
Stop pretending you care
You don't
You never did
Even If I care for you
Your eyes will tell
how dumb I am
Caring for the person
who doesn't even care
for me.

The thing is

I don't care
I do not care if my care
is not given back
I don't care if I'm the only
one who cares
I don't care

Because caring
Is for the brave
yet you are weak
and I still care for you
  Apr 2017 Sean
You shouldn’t be there
At the back of my mind
You shouldn’t be
My morning and waking hour thoughts
You shouldn’t be
my 11:11 mantra
You shouldn’t be
my wish upon a shooting star
You shouldn’t be there
It’s very unconventional
You should be here, right here
Right beside me, here in my arms
My entry for Day 4.
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