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1.2k · Mar 2013
the wanting
Savannah Grace Mar 2013
I would give all of my sunrises to you
my hope
and aspirations
If you would help me
with all of my haunting
1.2k · Sep 2013
Savannah Grace Sep 2013
See, when I talk to you, I want to look you right in the eyes.
But I can’t.
The weirdest compliment I ever got from a mutual friend:
“Listen, I really wanna hang but I just smoked a ****-ton and your eyes are really tripping me out. So I’m gonna go”
Ex-boyfriend, first date:
“Every time you look at me I feel like I’m saying something inadequate. You always have this intense look on your face. I feel like I’m not meeting your standard”
The first boy who really broke my heart told me the only reason he stayed at that party was because of my eyes. We were on the roof and he leaned over and made a gesture with his ******* pointed to my face, “Those right there” I reached out and grabbed his hand  “reason why I stayed”
So forgive me, if I don’t look you in the face when we speak. I love too hard and feel too much and, Heaven help, you feel inadequate.
I want to hold your hand and lean forward when you talk. I want to comprehend and not just listen. I want to take your words and translate them into my language so when you say that you want to be a teacher when you grow older, I understand that it means someone helped you when you needed it most as a child. But empathy is frowned upon now. Tuck your hands into your pockets, scowl at the sky and ignore the openness of the strangers on the street.
I’ve learned to pocket my trust because wearing it splayed on my chest is akin to a scarlet letter.  It’s a modern-day sin to care too much.
“You put so much of yourself into people who don’t deserve it”
I said “I love too hard”
He said “I think you can be forgiven for that”
No, see I don’t want to be pardoned as if I have a flaw. I want to be embraced like the sand embraces the salt water every time it crashes down, and draws away.
I want to bare my wrists to someone and be able to say “I loved this world even when it didn’t love me”  
I want someone to have the audacity to know that my scars are not signs of weakness, but tally marks from when I was counting down until the day I was free again.
Maybe I’ll never learn.  
But I’ve decided that I’ll keep reaching out until someone starts reaching back.
1.1k · Nov 2013
to the boys who I have left
Savannah Grace Nov 2013
I only answered your phone calls at 2am because I thought I didn’t deserve better

You told me I had a fantastic *** and then called me “Sam”

I only kept you around because I had horrible nightmares. When you would lie in bed next to me I took a sleep aid and pretended you were someone else.

I’m sorry I acted like a spoiled brat. I was a freshman and had no idea how to deal with “adult” relationships. Or “feelings” for that matter.

It wasn’t over when you showed up blackout drunk to my party. It was over when I saw her name light up your cellphone while you were throwing up in the bathroom.

The days we spent discussing whether we were the only two people in the world in your frat house are some of the best memories I have in college.

You thought you were better than me and I stopped answering your texts because I realized I believed you.

You laughed and told me I was “cute.” I should have reminded you that I once got kicked out of a frat party for punching a brother in the face.

I didn’t sleep with you because I thought you were full of ****. You turned out to be full of ****.

This “incredible body” has been put through hell after I gained 30 pounds freshman year because I was depressed.

You’re actually not a nice person at all.

You were a baby and I didn’t want to hurt you.

I’m sorry, what color are my eyes? *******.

I loved you. Actually, I think I still love you. However leaving you meant that I was making the decision to love myself more.
770 · Sep 2014
Savannah Grace Sep 2014
I hope
  (with a fire that consumes my kindling of bones)
that the first thing to strike you
when you run your hand down my back
is not the stretching of my rib cage as it settles around my lungs.
I hope you are lit,
with a ******* wildfire,
when your fingertips alight upon my skin.
730 · Nov 2013
Savannah Grace Nov 2013
I am "tell me you love me" at 3 am
I am "go **** yourself" at 4 am
I am
*** on the kitchen counter when the bedroom is two steps away
holding your head to my chest when you don't want to go to work in the morning
I am
"please stop lying"
perpetually running
baking a pie and kissing you with sugared lips in the kitchen
I am
driving when I shouldn't be
screaming the lyrics to every song
smoking on the roof in a little beach town
I am
an early morning jog
a midnight sprint
hot tea when I feel ill
blankets on the floor
"come lay down with me"
I am
checking my pulse
putting the razor down
heart beating
I am, I am, I am
592 · Aug 2013
The Teacher
Savannah Grace Aug 2013
It was our  1am rendezvous' that were my favorite secret to keep.
Sneak out, lock the door,
drive to your apartment where you were waiting for me before I raised my hand to knock.
Our greetings were stand offs but even before you turned your back to let me in
my hands were around your waist, my lips to your neck just relishing the chance to be
near you again.
You would snap at me each time I raised my arms to you like a plaintive child
but you came to me anyway
and I pulled you down tumbling into your sheets.
The finale to our sordid dance.
Sometimes we never kissed and simply talked until our lips were chapped
and we were tired of chasing each other's tails.
Other nights you had a hunger I couldn't deny and our words were our clothes
that we shrugged out of and dropped onto the floor.
By 7am I was up shimmying out of your sheets with a kiss on your cheek and nothing else.
You told me you liked how I never looked back every time I left.
I learned that from you.
Savannah Grace Jan 2015
Swear to God, they would toss every firecracker aside if they saw just how fast you spark up.
Faster than the blink of your tear thats slithers down your weathered cheek you can go 0-80 miles an hour, all screeching tires and pumping veins.
Let them see  how quick you shatter glass and then  how you'd cut your own hands just to put it back together before anyone saw the blood.
Tell them about the screaming lions in your chest.
I wish you never caged them.
Shatter mirrors and arrange them back in jagged order so they actually reflect the same thing you see.
I saw you crow counting, heart pounding, sirens sounding lying in the grass.
Did the earth ever speak to you? Or were the wolves howling too loud.
I wish you never caged them.
519 · Oct 2013
Savannah Grace Oct 2013
You are on my mind between metro stops. I think of you shifting gears and slamming your Mustang in that haunted beach town and I’m so far away in this silver box clamoring underground. I’m grabbing the railing to stand and resisting the urge to *****, because having you for only three days is a disease that won’t stop rampaging my body.  Sashaying to the clicks of the machine down the aisle I want to kneel into holy water and confess because loving you and  losing you meant getting back some of the best parts of myself. I want to carve your words into my heart so I don’t forget how much better I can be. And when this steel animal grinds to a stop and I have to grip the side from sliding I’m reminded of how falling for you was as merciless as gravity. Unyielding and inevitable.
502 · Oct 2014
An Apology Letter
Savannah Grace Oct 2014
I have poison in my veins
I am dark matter
I have shadows in the curves of my collarbones
switch blades tucked into my hips

I am venomous
I am a viper
a black widow

and I am so, so sorry, my darling
that you are the only one that I strike
Savannah Grace Jun 2014
The force that propels  lightening and hail to the ground is the same force that sends me crashing into your arms at the end of my thundering days
Savannah Grace Feb 2015
I can't waste any ink to spill about you because I can't find one poetic thing in our beginning, middle,  or end.
Savannah Grace Nov 2015
Driving. With rain sliding down the windows, too dark to see much beyond the headlights and taillights rolling ahead and towards me.
I have the music turned too loud to really think clear thoughts, it almost stings my ears a little.  
Pin picks of memories are pushing through the lower subconscious of my mind
I can feel the cavity below my ribcage expanding slightly as I'm trying to let everything in.
Stuck between shallow breathing and taking too deep of raged breathes.
I never liked the sound of my own breathing.
It always seemed cruel that I was allowed the one natural courtesy that my father was eventually denied.
Sometimes I hear the ringing of hospital bells in my ears when it's too quiet.
It's been 7 years.

This can't be it, this can't be it I think as I slide my hands over the wheel turning too hard onto my street with itching palms and dry lips
This can't be everything that we are lined up for marching in and out of office buildings and hospital waiting rooms, born to live, live to die hands turned up and out pushing past the next person in line because
when I was younger
I used to stand in the middle of my backyard
and hold really still
staring at the sun motes that twirled in the leaves of the trees
holding really still until I heard a hawk scream loud enough to send my heart sky rocketing and knees driving through the grass and to the front door
They call that "Checking In"
a way 6 year olds way of making sure I was still alive
It's been 7 years
I don't know how to be still anymore.
Savannah Grace Mar 2015
when i'm choking on the right words to say I use my fingernails to trace them into your back when you sleep
words like "I" and "you"
I hope when you dream you hear all the words I never got to say to you
I wonder if you tasted black ink when you kissed me
sometimes I think my heart is just an inkwell
415 · Nov 2014
Savannah Grace Nov 2014
It's been two weeks
four days and
seven hours since you left
It's cold in the bed. I can see the fog unfurling on the floor around the bed posts. The morning sun burns through the blinds and unspools like liquid metal in patches on the quilt.
"You're acting crazy" You told me
"I am crazy" I said

I threw a glass at the door after you shut it. I heard you laugh as you walked down the sidewalk. I heard you laugh as it shattered across the tile.
I fed the cat. Sat down on the floor next to her while she ate. Watched the steam from the teapot tumble through the air. She doesn't purr like she used to.
It's been two weeks
four days and
nine hours since you left.
I'm still picking up pieces of glass.
396 · May 2015
Does it ever rain
Savannah Grace May 2015
You curled your hand around my chin and told me to "never change"
and I don't know if I can do that because
I think I've got hurricanes in my hair
and the graveyards of shipwrecks in my ribcage
with the force of ten thousand years of tides crashing against
the hulls of my chest

and you are the lighthouse glaring through the storm

you always chide me for opening my mouth and shutting it before emitting any words

I'm just trying to keep my head above water
360 · Aug 2014
Savannah Grace Aug 2014
I have created a yellow house
(with open windows and white curtains)
It is always summer here.
It is always sunny here.
Bruce Springsteen plays in my barefoot kitchen
and I have breakfast and tea for three meals a day.
It is always summer here.
I am never lonely here.
There are no fire escapes, winter winds or clocks.
I have created a yellow house.
Created it years ago.
I have nothing.
I have everything.
347 · Sep 2013
How many times
Savannah Grace Sep 2013
He held the cross around my neck and asked if I was religious.
I told him I believed there was someone who had given me more chances than I had deserved.

— The End —