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 Apr 2014 Sarah Antilope
If only my broken heart
could remember
to forget you
He came to my house
Wearing his dark jacket and
Cold fingers
With no prior notice.

The doorbell echoed at
Nine oh six
And my mom said she'd get it.

I was watching Netflix
And shoveling semi-melty
Ice cream into my mouth.

He said hi to my mom
And he rushed up the stairs
Into my laundry-flooded bedroom

He wrapped his arms around me
So tight that I wasn't keen to let go.

He smelled like bitter outside
And broken trees
And choking regret.

I smelled like
Fake roses
And ***** pajamas
That were freshly cried into.

My shirt sleeves were wet.

When he kissed me,
I tasted like
The aftermath of
Black cherries
And sad music.

He tasted like love.
Needless to say, we're on HIATUS until further notice.
 Apr 2014 Sarah Antilope
I want to be the one who silences your demons
I want to be the pain that spurs you to run with the wind
I want to be the love and light you ask in your darkened dreams
I want to be the hushed voice in your head amidst screams of nothingness
I want to be the gentle wind that moves you to goosebumps
I want to be the feathery touch at dawn as you rise
I want to be the whispers of the moon and the anguish screams of the thunderstorm
I want to be the sweet nectar of heaven and the devilish sting of hell
I want to be the cawing crow that awakes you
I want to be the gentle nudge that calls your attention
I want to be all that and more
Are you ready?
Give me fierce fiery hell or banish me to heaven
Give me all or nothing
don't give me half hearts and lukewarms
I'll spit you out and have the dragons trample you
Give me you or give me nothing
I'm here wanting and waiting
Are you ready?
 Apr 2014 Sarah Antilope
I feel a storm brewing when you're around.
You are the thunder in my heart,
you are the lightening in my veins.

I continue breathing so that I may continue catching
drops of you on my tongue.
I want them to absorb into my body
and become one with me.

I've always loved a good storm.
Here's a pretty rough one, but I like the concept.
 Mar 2014 Sarah Antilope
 Mar 2014 Sarah Antilope
We all, at some point in our lives, come across those songs-with
The melodies that seem so bland,
The rhythms that we can't stand,
The lyrics that repeat themselves with no meaning attached,
The dynamics that are out to attack,

And then we come across those songs-with
The melodies we can't get out of our minds,
The rhythms that remind us to push forward at all times,
The lyrics that explain what we were unable to,
The dynamics that help to bring out how we're feeling inside,

Maybe the people we come across throughout our lives
affect us in these ways, too.
 Mar 2014 Sarah Antilope
Think about this truth that I've never said before:
Every day I spend with you will leave me wanting more.

Think about this truth that I'm too afraid to say:
If you were to ask me surely with you I would stay.

Think about this truth that I'm too afraid to know:
If you knew that I love you, you would want to go.

Think about this truth that I'll never say again:
If this does not end well, I'm glad you were my friend.
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