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Jun 2014 · 349
Sandra Hughes Jun 2014
What do you fear?

Deep down in the part of you that you never show

That  slithers, seeking through your dreams
Leaving you moaning softly  in your sleep trapped shroud

Grasping your heart with sharp ended talons

Running bony fingers up and down your spine
in those moments of unconscious reality

What do you fear?

That you bury deep and deny without knowing

That whispers unheard in your conscious thought
Thrilling your scraped bare nerves in the small quiet hours

Returning to scatter your comfort to the jaws of bone cold dread
Taking pieces of your certainty back to its lair to gnaw upon

Look in the mirror...

Copyright Sandra Hughes 2014 all rights reserved
Sandra Hughes Jun 2014
Ah, but I do see

I glimpse what you allow

My veils are of your making
My blindness built by you

I cannot see what you cannot bear to show

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved
And now it's a trilogy!
Sandra Hughes Jun 2014
You think that you are safe

That I can't tear and devour your heart
Spitting it back to you
Piece by ****** piece

Leaving you groping in your perfectly blinded sight
for the why

Too late for questions

Copyright Sandra Hughes 2014 All Right Reserved
Never tried a sequel before - curious to know if the two poems work together and if each one stands alone?  Comments would be really appreciated as I am just learning.
Jun 2014 · 433
I know you don't see me
Sandra Hughes Jun 2014
I know you don't see
Me here in the shadow
You have never seen me at all

Know this -

I am waiting


Copyright Sandra Hughes 2014 All Rights Reserved
Trying something a bit darker
Jun 2014 · 344
A life defined?
Sandra Hughes Jun 2014
Its not the grand gestures
the media storms
the heroic deeds
that define a life

It's the everyday
the unnoticed
the ordinary commonplace
that play the part

Your stubborn temper
your quick laugh
your love of family
and how much you enjoyed shopping in discount stores

All the things that drove us crazy when you were here
We smile about
and miss now you are gone

Copyright Sandra Hughes 2014 All Rights Reserved
Sometimes being a hero simply means living your life
Jun 2014 · 476
Me and You - not us
Sandra Hughes Jun 2014
I don't know how to say this
So I'll let the words fall out
I'm unhappy and I'm scared
Never thought I'd have this doubt

I feel we've disconnected
That we are parting ways
I want to share the same path
Not make my own to a different place

I feel that you don't notice me
Don't know me anymore
We don't have conversations
I'm met with silence when I talk

I know for sure you love me
But don't know if that's enough
I don't know if you are happy
With our lives; your life; with us

I want to share me with you
Need to know you want that too
Don't want to carry on like this
Treading water; me and you

I'm so afraid to have this talk
I'm so scared that we'll find
That our paths are now too far apart
No longer intertwined

How the hell did did we get here? ..........

Copyright Sandra Hughes 2014 All rights reserved
Jun 2014 · 936
My dog has written a poem
Sandra Hughes Jun 2014
My dog has written a poem
She penned it with her paws
She sends emails and closes documents
By licking my laptop with her big slobbery tongue!

Copyright Sandra Hughes 2014 All Rights Reserved
Just playing around with a different style
Jun 2014 · 295
When you are asleep
Sandra Hughes Jun 2014
What secrets do your dreams try to speak?

What do you know when you are asleep
that you can't remember when you are awake?

How do you know the difference?

Wake up......

© Sandra Hughes May 2014
Jun 2014 · 436
You seek enlightenment?
Sandra Hughes Jun 2014
You seek enlightenment?

You yearn to be at peace
Feel purpose, passion and intent
that goes beyond the you that you display

You want to stop the constant searching
Feel contentment and be able to accept and rest
knowing that all is as it should be and that this is enough
Oneness with all

Be warned.  Enlightenment promises all of this and more
Presenting the illusion for you to understand and adapt
But if you seek a restful destination,  then stop.  
Before you cross the threshold know this:

You cannot unknow
You cannot return to blissful distortion
You cannot go back and disconnect from the boundless connection you have found

You will replace 'this shouldn't be' with 'this is' and all the rapture and agony that brings is yours to hold

You will share and feel the joy and pain of everything in the universe
You will love all
Including yourself

You will glimpse the mystery and it will stop your breath in awe and depthless knowing that it is yours to own and always has been

You will be infinitely connected in your moments of awareness
infinitely alone in your moments of illusion
No one without the other


© Sandra Hughes May 2014  All rights reserved
Jun 2014 · 309
I do not care for him
Sandra Hughes Jun 2014
I do not care for him

I do not lose my breath
When he speaks
My heart does not stop
When I meet his gaze

I do not ache for his touch

I do not care for him


© Sandra Hughes 2014 All Rights Reserved
Sandra Hughes May 2014
I know so well that prison of which you speak
The safety to be found behind the walls
And the loneliness and longing that they bring

I know so well the visitors you shun
Watching them from behind a screen
Refusing the gift they bring for fear of the cost of acceptance

I know so well the bitter comfort of the shackles that you wear
The familiar weight of desires and need
That lovingly embrace you while you weep

I know so well the protector that you are
The bravery you need to stand him down

And watch your prison fall

Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved
May 2014 · 305
Last Words
Sandra Hughes May 2014
Ah - and so we are here

Now at the last fading moments
Before my real life begins

Don't be sad for me
I have been waiting
It is time this time

I'm going home

Copyright Sandra Hughes 2014 All Rights Reserved
May 2014 · 1.5k
Sandra Hughes May 2014
Courage does not speak of how brave it is; does not seek empathy for its woes.  
It holds no space for heroism and fanfare.
Courage does not stand against its fears attempting to defeat them.  It has no desire to beat its chest and roar with daring victory.

Courage is speaking what is in your heart; knowing that your truth’s own voice is louder than legions of doubters.  

Courage is standing brazen, terrified, quivering joyously with the beauty and danger of reckless offering until suddenly, in a divine moment of discovery you are willing and you are seen

and you are enough.

And your heart begins to beat



with the joy and peace you have always sought.

© Sandra Hughes  (All rights reserved)
This is my first poem - hope you like it

— The End —