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Jan 2024 · 94
A girl like you
Sanchari Ghosh Jan 2024
A bumbling corner of serendipity
A cacophony of words, pretty and true..
A duality of strength and palpable soft
All that makes a girl like you.

Is it the food, the drink, the story
Is it the fast but slow flow of time..
That makes the natural end of the date
Feel like an abruptly committed crime.

Or is it the coming of the heartless city..
Into a thriving living breathing being..
For you being in the midst of it all..
A beautiful example of an earthling.

For all my week is certainly made..
There seems to be nothing left to rue..
A Saturday morning soothed my heart..
When...when I met a girl like you.
Apr 2023 · 103
Sanchari Ghosh Apr 2023
I waited for you...
After we agreed to never speak again..
After we agreed we don't belong together
After we agreed our lives are divergent.
I waited for you...
After we cried and stopped crying..
After we laughed and stopped laughing..
After we spoke and stopped speaking.
I waited for you..
After we fell out of us..
After you started building walls..
After I started bringing bricks.

Half a decade..
And I waited for you.
As you put an ocean between us.

And someday we would have a universe between us.
And my voice won't reach you through space.
And all that will be vast nothingness...
Choking exhausting nothingness...
And I would still be waiting for you.
Feb 2022 · 116
See you
Sanchari Ghosh Feb 2022
I have been running
In the rain..
Towards a wall with spikes..
My feet draw red.
On the mountain road..
We used to come here for hikes.

I see flowers
You used to pick
Scattered on tattered rocks..
The stale wind pierces
The flesh of my face
Its your kisses it mocks.

My ankles hurt
Your back is long gone..
To give me a joyous ride..
I swallow the pain..
I close my eyes..
Your face in my head, my guide.

I am inches away
I can taste the blood..
The seconds stretch to hours..
And the world slows down..
I know its the end..
Yet it doesn't scare, it empowers.

Then I hit the wall...
I die, I hang..
A few feet off the ground..
My fish eyes fixed
On our road below..
I hope I will see you around.
Jan 2022 · 1.5k
Sanchari Ghosh Jan 2022
Phantom hands on my earth
Exploring crevices deep within
Phantom eyes on my lanes
Phantom fingers creeping in.

Phantom kisses and phantom breath
On my neck, on my breast
Phantom bite marks on my fields
Planting weeds on my chest.

Phantom laughters, phantom curses
I open my mouth, phantom screams
My earth slumbers in a phantom home
With true nightmares, phantom dreams.
This one goes out to the tortured souls out there. I know it's not easy to forget unwanted touch. Stay strong. 💪
Apr 2021 · 245
Summary of a kiss
Sanchari Ghosh Apr 2021
It felt essential. Does that make sense? That moment there was begging for it. I would have regretted not pressing my lips on yours if i hadn't done that. So  we can say it was born out of need. My entirety needed to kiss you. And then that need sprouted wings and grew into luxury. And then it transcended into a skin tingling sensation that I find hard to explain. That is where I pulled away. My body was ready for soul wasn't....
Apr 2021 · 313
Not a word
Sanchari Ghosh Apr 2021
Not a word to the summer breezes..
That ruffle through my clothes..
Hanging on my innocuous balcony...
Not a word to the half read books..
Lying on my overcrowded bed..
Waiting for me to paint their stories...
Not a word to the whisper of love..
Buzzing through my phone..
Asking for affection in return.
Not a word to the winding alleys..
Of the unknown city..
That I now call home...
Not a word to the stuff toys..
Sitting on my couch..
Begging for a snuggle...
Not a word to the half eaten chocolate bar...
Or the half drawn doodle...
Or the half written note..

No one needs to know.
I am leaving.
I will let them know when I am long gone
And the world finds out.
Nov 2020 · 110
Find me
Sanchari Ghosh Nov 2020
Where your fingers can touch the wind..
And your tongue can taste the sea..
Away from the roads...away from you..
Hidden in the shadows of solitude..
Maybe sleeping on the edge of a mountain..
Broken, but at peace I will be.
In the name of all the love..
Will you someday come find me?
Oct 2020 · 102
Me, my thoughts and You
Sanchari Ghosh Oct 2020
He still comes in my thoughts...
To sleep on my lap..
And I still whisper..
Sweet nothings in his ear..
Till all his demons go back to sleep.
No questions are asked..
No voices are raised..
No sorry is told....
I do not tell him how I lost him..
In the middle of the road..
I do not tell him how I have ran miles..
Looking for his shadows..
And I do not let him know..
How I sleep in noisy corners..
So I can shout in my dreams...
In deafening silence...
He sleeps on my lap..
Like nothing has changed..
And nothing ever will.

May 2019 · 215
Poems and stories
Sanchari Ghosh May 2019
All those times I wrote for you..
Poems that didn't even rhyme
Poems that said what I couldn't have said..
Poems that bled everytime..
Poems that told stories of love..
Stories of moments long gone..
Stories of hearts that bled to death..
Stories of strings that were torn..
Stories of hands that were held...
Just to let go one day..
Stories of lovers who had loved a lot..
But still couldn't stay..
Stories of souls dancing on blades..
Till their feet could draw stars..
On silver snow and greener grass
That caressed the deep red scars..
All those stories have come to an end..
The last pages have been read..
We have to leave the novel we wrote..
And announce the lovers dead...
And one last time I am writing for you...
Poem that doesn't even rhyme..
The end is here...I hope you save your heart...
Mine...will heal with time..
This one goes to the one who broke my heart.
Mar 2019 · 141
My window
Sanchari Ghosh Mar 2019
I look out from my window..
I see the moments passing by..
Like a train of colours ..
Unhinged, unabashed...
The world seems so oblivious..
To the storm that lies..
Inside of me..
The fire that hides..
Behind my eyes..
The stories that are written..
Behind the closed doors.
The scars I hide behind my smiles..
The tears I hide behind my laughters..
I let my thoughts drown..
In the forbidden liqour of the glass
In the gray smokes..
Of death between my fingers..
And wonder..
When did my world..
Get so detached
From the world outside..
When did I build these walls..
And stop participating in the rush of colours
That touch everyone but me....
When did I choose a window..
To apathetically watch
The moments passing by..
Like a train of colours ..
Unhinged, unabashed..
Dec 2016 · 312
That you love me so...
Sanchari Ghosh Dec 2016
How to to breathe
How to hide you beneath..
The layers of dreams i see..
How to to smile..
How to cry everytime..
You love me for being me

I know me, i know life..
Could you be my chosen knife..
To tear my heart into parts..
How could you love me so?
You know I'm broken though...
Cupid must be bad at playing darts..

I see you..I grasp air..
In some unknown scared despair..
To catch the moments that go fleeting by..
How to to breathe..
How to hide you beneath..
You're a were meant to fly..

I will be the empty cage..
In your book, just a page..
Write my name in the deepest red..
How could you love me so...
You know I'm broken though..
I wanna be the empty side of ur bed...
Aug 2016 · 1.7k
You are my dream come true
Sanchari Ghosh Aug 2016
The little girl loved collecting dreams
She travelled wild, she travelled far..
She collected dreams from all but me
Cast creed and age no bar.

And when her bag was full for the day,
She worked her magic on each of them.
The dreams came true for all who dreamt..
And their lives were no longer the same.

When we grew old, she came to us,
"whats your dream? To be able to dance?
To be rich and young? Having power?
Whatever be it, just tell me once."

"Oh i had one" I said to her
"It came true long before"
"How come? I have never been here"
Confused , she stopped at our door.

I held your face in my hands,
"How could my dreams not come true?"
When all i have ever dreamt of...
Was to grow old with you."
Dedicated to the love of my life
Jul 2016 · 246
Only if...
Sanchari Ghosh Jul 2016
I woke up at the crack of dawn...
cuckoos cooing their bit...
leaves rustling in the stale yesterday air...
my dog sleeps curled on the floor..
his innocent eyes questioning the morning...
I make my toast..
gulp down the lump in my throat...
lump of words i had hidden under the bed
only...if only...
i had confessed ...
only ...if only
my guards could fade...
only if only...
I would have said..

Hey you...yes you...
Do u hear me??
I wanted to say this..
Since your "hello"..
U r my destiny...
See my dull mornings??
The lights have dimmed...
I dimmed them with words untrue...
Look beyond the nonchalance in my eyes...
My soul is screaming...
from times unknown...
I have loved you...
This goes to all those who are afraid to open  their heart....letting the feelings enter hurts less than leaving them banging at the door
May 2016 · 283
Sanchari Ghosh May 2016
When he comes o when he comes..
Let me lord hold him close..
In the dark nothingness of my arms..
When he looks o when he looks..
Let it be lord the same poetry..
My pens have scribbled n thou books..
When he goes o when he goes..
Let there be lord no footprints...
So that the heart never knows
May 2016 · 304
Sanchari Ghosh May 2016
We were there when humanity..
Basked in the first notes of nature.
We were there when..
The warm rays of sun..
Gave birth to the first flower on earth..
Our history..
Has been written and re written...
Amongst the tragedies..
Of every lover that have roamed the roads..
We were there then..
We are here now...
We will be here forever...
Love is the mother of all creations..
As well as the destroyer of all...
Love is the first is the last darkness..
Love s everything is nothing..
And lastly...
Love is you and love is me..

— The End —