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"if a child imparts a spirit into them,
some toys will retain hope,

for —at least— however long the
batteries might hold out...

I was born on her 7th birthday in 2007, before then I knew nothing.
She held me in wanting hands and her kiss gave Me life.
My soul was born that day and
We fell in love !

I cant remember all the joy and fun we had, too much of it I guess.
She used to dress Me in all kinds of outfits that I loved.
We were One with each other, and would be
Mates for life !

One day she was very sad, she held me tight and
I held her together. Hours went by as Sisters,
Yet —somehow— we drifted apart—

She was learning tough new lessons
while I began a remedial course
in redundancy..

I cannot imagine how I got here, usually I stayed
on her bedside. I am now boxed and buried
with Her toys of abandonment.  

When !

When did I last see her,
maybe last May ?  

"just for once,
—please— take me out
and hold me,

i guess
this is the room
where toys are sent to die,
to fade from memory and existence.
There must be more to it than this dark
and lonely space. Am I more but less ???

maybe just,
                      Misplaced ???

What did I do wrong???  
She gave me LIFE !!

07FF—!!!battery alarm!!!
00B1—!!!MEM_ error!!!

My thoughts — going, batteries
about to leak paste now,
weeks now,
                        and i  ... ...

What was I thinking there,
Oh yes!!!
she Will come for me!
Just a bad day
I guess-

Thinking maybe,

s jones


weeks after he ascended
from his fallen carcass—

troops vacated what once
was good ground,

rains washed in mud
to refill the holes,

the scent of honeysuckle
once again became

birds of prey returned
to their perches-

watching as

squirrels and rabbits
went about
their collections,

and the veil of silent
winds once again

after decades passed
through the footfalls
of morning strolls
between healing
vegetation and

a park had completed
formation about the
flanks of his bones ...

s jones


in case you may not know, it was the last car
at the end of a train, usually it was a red or
occasionally a yellow color which would be
clearly noticed

this car was manned in order to monitor the
train from that end for any issues, particularly
in case an axle from one of the coal cars locks
up and catches on fire

but i guess this feature was eliminated due to
improvements in the wheel assemblies, or maybe
because they had new electronic monitoring for the
crews in the locomotives

if you are under the age of thirty, this may not have
been general knowledge to you since the use of these
cars were phased out sometime in the 1980's, now a
red flashing light signifies the end of the train

you can see one of these cars parked near the city
square just north of the Tennessee/Kentucky
border in Guthrie— there is just enough rail
underneath to hold it braked in place

i think the rails once extended to the mainline
and the car was trapped there when acetylene
cutters terminated its route in either direction.

the men who rode it are now
the ghosts of everlasting

now we have thousands riding the
caboose of their careers amidst
red blaring lights that flash
from all imaginable

many of them sitting motionless
upon routes that go nowhere...

s jones
It was very in,
Then totally out,
Nobody knew, what was it about.
Rainbow rays of
Waking me up
For a new day
A new slate
Washed clean from
Tears of night
Remainders on pillow
Thinking of you
The joy you brought
Into my heart
The laughter we shared
Rehearsing lines for
Plays you and I
Shared together
Money for bus fare
To the hospital
For visits and check ups
Secrets we shared
And kept inside
A hanky when needed
Your love for laughter
Your strength when
I was weak
Christmas time.
Any time
Stirs up memories
Of you
I thank you
From here below
To send to you
I place my Angel
On the tree
And you my angel
In my heart

Merry Christmas
The day slowed down
and almost stood still
Silence creeped all around me
poised for the ****
The day slowed down
and almost stood still
Despair nipped at my ankles
devoured my will
Will never happen again
So drink it in deep
Will bring more
and less
and if we are lucky
be today
all over again
i want to invent a thought
thats totally brand new
something very meaningful
a gift from me to you
but alas, i cannot conjure
what wasn’t already known
so i steal a thought from someone else
and top it off with a bow
i am a simple gal
fascinated by nature’s ‘mundane’
toss me in a patch of green
nothing but a mile of trees
and ill spend hours lost
staring at the bark
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