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Some evil walks alone
with a cold heart beat
and a face of bone.
Some evil walks in threes
with a trembling laugh
and with eyes full of glee.
Some evil wears a kindly face
in the street-light chaos
it tempts your full embrace.
Some evil rings a hollow bell
in the whirlwind alleys
on the roads to hell.
Some evil keeps a cool head,
some evil lies in your bed.
Some evil is a ticking clock
lulling you to sleep
with your mind unlocked,
and, while you rest amid
its Mercury lies,
it spreads its wings
and drowns your cries.
Some evil walks alone
with a cold heart beat
and a face of bone.
some rhyming poetry about evil and its various forms.
Hello Tier thirteen
Keep your cages nice and clean
Purse your lips and nod.
Hours have their own being,
creating a natural order of things.
They may flutter like flags in the wind
or spin down through the light.
They draw long shadows on
the evening air, as they begin to
leave off, always followed by another.
They may be warm as a candle flame
or bright and dry as the moon.
At the time of coldest emptiness,
they may extinguish the stars.
Sometimes, the hours come
in a dream like a longed-for
lover, folding their arms
around me, as if each may
be the last.
Feel the cold
Tickling my spine
Winter chill
See the curling
Circles from
My breath
Winter chill
Taste the cold
Like a melted
Ice cube in my mouth
Winter chill
Smell.that unexplainable
Smell in air
Winter chill
Touch the frost
On.window panes
Winter chill
Feel see taste smell touch
Winter chill
Winter is a
Whisper away
 Dec 2020 Sam Lawrence
April never did a thing to me yet
There is a mean month caught my
Fingers in a cold vise, because of
Memory and desire

Memory, desire, and you, always
Hit me in the dark days of Winter

You, yes you, so silent then
Now you wish to speak so
It's not in me to turn away

Sing to me.
Another true story. Time is relative.
 Dec 2020 Sam Lawrence
Dreams of flying ladies drinking tea
They hold parasols, and glide about
Mocking me

Admiring their audacity
Earthbound, I stare jealously

Wait for my Self to wake
Sort it, shake it off

Or learn their tricks so

As flying I might see All

Dreams of flight.
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