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She is my vitality
You make me perform at full capacity
You help me relate with the inner me
You alone are my black magic
But most of all, my dearest

I love it when you wash my head
It makes me feel larger than life
As it awakens my nerves
And spur me to greater heights
To achieve feats that have long eluded me

You are my good luck charm
If you like call it "Cobnomi"
True love is stronger than death
Little wonder it took just three seconds
And in three, I fell in love

You are the illuminant to my shadows
The painkiller to all my sorrows
I will watch and wait earnestly
Until you say "Yes" my love
Not even tribe or religion can separate us
Afterall, true love is patient
Whenever I'm with you
I feel safe, I feel
like nothing bad will
ever happen to me.
I'm thankful for that,
I know that I'll always
have a safe place.
Rooted to the earth
Connected to the seasons
But free in spirit
Tree in 17 Syllables
When his eyes met mine,
It was a timeless beginning of everything,
My heart stopped beating for a second,
I couldn't breathe,
I was drowning.
I love you so much
And the sound of your
So soft and sweet voice
My dreams coming true
Falling in love with you
And my heart feels your love
With every gentle touch my heart
Will forever beat for you..
In Love With Her 😍
Deep depression, what does it mean?
A black cloud hanging over you
A sadness that is obscene
Where’s the light at the end of the tunnel ?
You can not see now, its just in between

Everyone is sad sometimes, especially bad times
The darkness crawls in
The mood goes downhill
It’s hard to break that cloud!

but there is a light at the end of the tunnel
You've only got to follow the light
To get better and feel right
And blast that black cloud away
Tomorrow is another day!

Pick yourself up
Anyway you can
Smile and think of the good things in life
Laugh at the funny things
Say something nice
And love yourself, be nice,

Melt the ice,
Eat the sweet
Drink the wine
Live your life
Don't let them get you down
Pull yourself up
You'll get there
We do care
Just share!
What tempest lays here
within these hearts
rising up to crash down upon
the separations
of justice from justice
of sustenance from mouth
of shelter from skin
of truth from knowledge
I from you....
It is dark out here
More alone here
The rain has left her scent
You are folded back into the earth
Listening to your life... exist
Feeling blood’s endless journey
Returning and returning
Sacred silence of self
In the dark....
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