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 Jan 2019 Ryan Vallee
What does the PPF mean?
It means the Past, Present, and Future.
The Past.
The past was yesterday,
The past was years ago.
Don’t dwell on the past,
Because it’ll just weigh you down.

The Present.
The present is now,
So live it as much as possible.
The present is like a gift,
Where you wonder what’s in the box.

The Future.
The future is tomorrow.
The future is a mystery.
The future is where God leads you on the right path.
The PPF is a very important thing in life.
 Jan 2019 Ryan Vallee
True love is not about what someone says
or tells you in great sentences,
but what they do for you and what they feel for you,
Tell me about happiness...
 Jan 2019 Ryan Vallee
Dear me,
Don't just sit
Rise, and pursue greatness.

Don't just watch
Go after what you want.

Don't just exist
Strive and start living.

Don't just dream
Work hard and aim for success.

Don't get tired
Keep hiking until you get to the peak.
I'm in love
with the person
i want you to be
that's how i know
i don't love you anymore
On the last day of love
I filled my bath
With warm waves,
Sprinkled rose petals
And salt,
And soaked my lonely heart
Until it blistered,
A song
Of resilience
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