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 Jan 2019 Ryan Vallee
The smooth slide of his hand
Against the smooth curve of her side.
The rush of every pent-up emotion
Let loose in the fiery thrill of their skin.
Gentle, yet raging, this want spread quickly
Through the once torn scars of their minds.
 Jan 2019 Ryan Vallee
 Jan 2019 Ryan Vallee
for he only cries at night in the dark,

for his tears is not a show but all pain

no one could understand.
i heard you, my love.
i dream to make art as beautiful as you are.
It was said that we're all the same
Came from the same dust,
From the same collapsing star
But truth shines brighter than that of star
We were not all same
It's clear that you love that guy better than me
And its because we were not the same
A first short poem about sadness
Must we always have to end and say goodbye
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