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Roselyn Jun 2018
Is it something that can make us feel that
time has slowed down when we look at someone?
Is it something that makes us feel that the world is crumbling at our feet?
Is it something that can make it so hard for us to breathe that feel that our lungs are about collapse?
Is it something  that can make you feel that you finally found the one thing that makes you feel that you are finally complete?

Love is the one thing that can make you feel happy, sad, hurt and complete at one time after another
Roselyn Jun 2018
How lucky are we to have an angel like you
Your beautiful smile that can make us us feel joy
Your beautiful thoughts that can change any mind
Your beautiful voice that can make us cry
But like any angel you were needed home
No more tears for you to cry
No more pain to keep you up at night
No more evil thoughts that keep your mind locked up tight
Our beautiful angel so sweet and pure
No longer in this world that is so dark and cruel
I wrote this poem to express the pain I felt when a singer i loved, killed himself. Depression ***** and can tear down the even the most happiest of people. I myself deal with depression and was on that edge of killing myself just so i wouldn't feel the sadness or the pain anymore. Killing yourself is never the answer and if you feel that you want to **** yourself please seek help or talk to someone. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255
Roselyn Oct 2013
Beautiful flower poem in japanese:

Utsukushi hana:

Utsukushi hana no yona
Sore wa chimei-tekina kakusa reta toge o motte iru
Utsu no o matte iru
Umareta bakarita jinsei o shuryo suru
Hayai, sore o haishutsu suru
Sore ga kanso suu tame ni
Jinsei o mite kare
Fuyu wa kono michi o kuru toki,-suki
Katsute atatakakatta subete no seimei o korosu
Sore wa taikutsu ***** ita toyuu riyu dakede
Sono utsukushii hana
Sore no tame ni jinsei
Meiwakuna hachi no yona monodesu
Roselyn Oct 2013
Like a beautiful flower
That has deadly hidden thorns
waiting to strike
To end the life that has just been born
To drain it fast
To **** it dry
To watch the life wither away
Like when winter comes this way
Kills all the life that was once warm
Just because it was bored
That beautiful flower
Kills all that it sees
Because life to it
Is like a annoying bee
Roselyn Jun 2013
If I gave you the moon
will you give me the sun in return
If I gave you my heart
Will you give me yours?
If I told you I will be with you till tomorrow
Will you tell me you will be with me forever
if I am in pain
Will you carry me the rest of the way
If I cry
will you wipe my eyes
if I tell you I'll miss you for a second
Will you miss me for an hour
If I tell you I will die tomorrow
Will you tell me you will be with me today
If I say I like you?
Will you tell me you love me?
If I say I hate you
Will you tell me to stop being silly
If I tell you the world is ending today
Will you tell me I'll see you tomorrow silly
Roselyn Mar 2013
Who am I
this runs though my head
haunts my every thought
maybe it just haunts me
am I real
am I fake
am I that person who others want around
or am I that person no one likes

am I letting this fear, control me
or is it just haunting me
waiting for me to snap
or to crack under pressure
to summit to it

I try to fight back
but all I see are the cracks
the cracks around me, just waiting to snap
so I'll fall down
so I'll relapse
and crawl back
to that insecurity
to that question
that I always ask
Who am I
Roselyn Dec 2012
I stare at you but you only see a wall
I call you but you only hear wind
I try to touch you but my hand goes through
I try to kiss you but you walk away

You stare at the wall hoping to see me
You hear wind when you think its me calling you
You feel something touch you but you see nothing
You feel softness on your lips but nothing is there

I watch you walk away with tears in my eyes
I can only stand here with arms out hoping you coming
I try to confess my love to you but you can't see me
I keep hoping you will see me and my love

You start to walk away with tears trying to fall
You want to stop and wait but you can't hope any more
You want to confess all of your love but there is no one to see it
You keep wanting to love but hoping is all you can do

I start to chase you even though
I know its useless I start to scream your name even thoughI know you can't hear it
I start to understand why you can't see me
I know why I can't touch you

You start to run back  even though you know its useless
You start to scream even though there is no one there
You start to understand why you can't see anyone
You know why no one is there

I am Invisible and You can't see me

They are Invisible and all you can see is nothing
Do you know what the poems means . Can you see how the first to are suppose to fit with each other
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