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Roselyn Dec 2012
You stare at the wall hoping to see me
You hear wind when you think its me calling you
You feel something touch you but you see nothing
You feel softness on your lips but nothing is there

You start to walk away with tears trying to fall
You want to stop and wait but you can't hope any more
You want to confess all of your love but there is no one to see it
You keep wanting to love but hoping is all you can do

You start to run back  even though you know its useless
You start to scream even though there is no one there
You start to understand why you can't see anyone
You know why no one is there

They are Invisible and all you can see is nothing
Do you know what the poems means
Roselyn Dec 2012
I stare at you but you only see a wall
I call you but you only hear wind
I try to touch you but my hand goes through
I try to kiss you but you walk away

I watch you walk away with tears in my eyes
I can only stand here with arms out hoping you coming
I try to confess my love to you but you can't see me
I keep hoping you will see me and my love

I start to chase you even though I know its useless
I start to scream your name even though I know you can't hear it
I start to understand why you can't see me
I know why I can't touch you

I am Invisible and You can't see me
Do you know what the poems means
Roselyn Dec 2012
I am as free as I can be
like a rose in a tree
but why is it that i am in a tree
in steady of being with thee
other roses down below
cause i was rejected by my fellows roses

but am i really a rose
when i am so cold
but all i want is to be free
free like a bee or tree
but a bee kills
and a tree stands still

i wonder what i want
when i speak these words
some see raps or words
but these are my feelings
and the pain still lingers
here on my small fingers

I say i want love
but who's love to i seek
is it my friends
or God's that i try to reach

this poem is coming to an end
but its not dead yet
as I cry out to my father

I ask him why he forsaken me
But did God really forsaken me
leave me, ignore me

or was it me that forgot Him
the one who saved me
made me, created me

this isn't a dream
but a painful  reality
Spoke this in my head and my fingers brought it to life
Roselyn Nov 2012
You are sweet like vanilla

but bitter like unsweetened  chocolate

but I wonder why, when I walk past you

I can't help but to stop and take in the smell

you are  a painful addiction

but I can't help my self

you are like caffeine to me

so bad for me yet so good at the same time

I watch you with that other person

laughing like you won the battle

to see me crack like a baby's rattle

you want me to beg and scream for you back

you truly must be wack  

cause I am not going to crack

I am strong than this

I know that I can find some one better

who will love me for me

won't step on my heart

step on my pride

or spit in my face

I'll tell you one thing

I thought you were the one

the one who will be with be forever

but I guess I fell for that sweet smell

cause its **an addiction
Roselyn Sep 2012
I'm dying tonight
but that's alright
I'm so imperfect
I'm a sickening site
how am I suppose to free when i am dying
i sin everyday and falling further away
how am i suppose to get back on path
when it's so dark i can't even laugh
tears are falling
I’m going insane
why do i have to be this imperfect thing
why can't i be sane
i see those people dying on the street
sometimes i ask why isn't that me
I’m so unhappy, so alone
the people around me don't even come close
to the pain i feel
its so real
tonight the night
I'm gonna do it alright
die right here and the fears be clear
cause i can't look in the mirror
I’m such a pathetic site
crying out,
scream in fright
all i ask is for that hand in site
of that beautiful one called Jesus Christ
to help me wash these sin away
so the pain will leave me some day
Roselyn Sep 2012
There is a boy staring at a glass wall
looking at a girl
her eyes and smile makes his heart go wild
There is a girl staring at a glass wall
looking back at the boy
his beauty catches  her heart by surprise
They are in love but can not be together
because the glass wall will not shatter
like their parents hatred for each other
day after day they look at each other
yearning to feel the other
skin for skin, lips for lips
their hearts never miss a beat
soon pain of separation comes
it nips at their hearts
it is too  much to bear
but they stay by the wall and stare
then the boy pull out a gun
starts to shoot the glass wall
bullets prove to be no match for it
the girl grabs a bat thinking smashing it will match
the glass wall still will not come down
they are not a match for it
the glass wall is just to strong
there is only one thing that can beat it
where they finally can be at peace
death is where they can meet and be free
two shots are heard
with dripping next
the lovers die and meet
in the beautiful world
of the next
Roselyn Sep 2012
In my head many things happen
many thoughts go in and out
all those good memories
all the ones with pain and tears
so many fears that bring more tears
the feeling of being alone
knowing that no one knows
the pain one feels
but can't express
can't show it on the outside
only on the inside
all those fake smiles
saying that your okay
but the truth you are in pain
you are the one crying at night
the fright that is eating you alive
but at the end of the night
are you really alive?
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