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  Jan 2015 rockstar
Fenix Flight
Wooden structure that plagues my mind
I sit and watch them tear you down
Rip up your swing set, crush your slide
It's all to much I just want to cry

You were the one my grammy took me too
My cousins And I ran around your grounds
Our laughter now haunts your gravesite

They said you were getting too old
creaking dangerously and giving kids splinters
Parents were yelling at you left and right
But I rememeber you in all your glory

You're tire swing and glimming slides
the "wave" bridge and the little cubby holes
The ones that were perfect for hide and seek games.

But now you are gone,
torn down and thrown away
Crazy colored plastic now resides
where you once stood so tall

Even though you are gone
You will never be forgotten
The joy you brought will forever be treasured
written for a writing promt from the poetry club I am in
Prompt was:A place from your past or childhood, one that you are fond of, is destroyed. Write it a memorial!
rockstar Jan 2015
The pain
The torture
It all seems familiar

Hello Old Friend
You were right
Here I am
Back to sqaure one

Holding you
in my hand
And making you caress my wrist
The beautiful mess you make
makes me crave for more

But my family and friends
Must never know
Or else
I can't see you again

Oh I hear them coming
So i have got to go
Bye Mr razor
I don't selfharm but i just got this in my head...
rockstar Jan 2015
Do you not see the pain
Or do you just ignore it
Do you not see the worry
Or do you jus forget it
Whatever I did was wrong
But it was all for you
And now?
You tossed me to the side
Like I wasn't worth it
But I should have seen it coming
But I was blinded by you...
rockstar Jun 2014
Whispers whispers
I hear them everywhere
Saying they hate me
Saying i'm worthless
Why can't they stop?
Now i hear a loud scream

Right after i took that knife
And pierced it through my icy heart
Now it's gone
Now i'm at peace
No more whispers to bother me...
meep feeling depressed
rockstar Jun 2014
Seeing you smile
Seeing you laugh
It brings a smile to my face
But it won't last
Cause your with her
While I'm all alone
Feeling cold and dead
lol just wanted to try

— The End —