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 Apr 2014 Robbo
Troubled Mind
 Apr 2014 Robbo
Troubled Mind
Sometimes all you need to do is jump
To make it across

You are always waiting on Time
For that perfect moment
You are always waiting on Inspiration
For that final push
You are always waiting on Courage
To give you wings
And still you wait

The light is fading from this place
And there is no calling back the times that have passed
Right before our very eyes
Our sinews start wasting
Our bones grow weak
Our blood loses strength
The world spins our little heads dizzy
And you know there is no cure for our mortal fates

So I guess you would have known by now
There are times when one must take a leap of faith
When second thoughts can leave you without second chances
Let not the fear of falling take your legs
And worse still, make you forget how to stand

So let go of these cumbersome apprehensions
Just let yourself go

It is good to feel the wind in your hair sometimes
Even if just for a moment, to know that you're still alive
So what if you cannot make it to the other side
And cannot bear the thought of crashing down
And so what if the thought of you hitting the ground
Makes you go weak at the knees
'Cause in the end, all that matters is
If you can pick yourself from the floor and climb back up again

I've seen that look on your face before
A thousand times and more
You don't need to always soar
You don't need wings to jump
 Apr 2014 Robbo
ms reluctance
Guarded dreams, whispered secrets,
summer crushes, December flings,
inside jokes, confessed regrets…

These are but a few things
that we share with each other
without any fear, any misgivings.

You were once a stranger
and now you are my best friend.
my partner in crime, my soul sister.

After all, friendship is all that matters in the end.
NaPoWriMo Day #22
Poetry form: Terza Rima
 Apr 2014 Robbo
James Jarrett
I try to write
But my words
Stumble and trip
Drunk within my brain
The stairway to my pen
So steep and treacherous
That they dare not tumble down them
Lest they be broken and ruined by the fall
So they stay deep within the den of my brain
In inebriated silence
While my muse
Drinks a bottle of wine
 Apr 2014 Robbo
Sarah Adams
 Apr 2014 Robbo
Sarah Adams
Our names won’t be remembered
If we die like trampled flowers
I refuse to be forgotten
Written off as less than worth it

— The End —