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Jul 2023 · 705
next generation
rhett burke Jul 2023
i was raised by big picture minds
vague outline minds that formed mine
inspect the brush strokes if you dare
dare to dream of what you may find there

perhaps in the right space and time
might i dare to read in between the lines
and enjoy the day to day today
the subtle joys of work and play

reject the air of late success;
to forge my own brand of happiness
May 2023 · 965
on boston
rhett burke May 2023
in the sky behind my little blue house,
i see the brightest moon i have ever seen
and its light illuminates the peeling paint
and the broken window
and the mud
and i used to see blemishes, defects
new lines on the to-do list
and now i see home, home with you
the way we like it—
full of love and food and games—
wipe the mud off your shoes when you enter
and stay a while
learning to see the good
Mar 2023 · 2.2k
old friends (love)
rhett burke Mar 2023
if ever i did love you
or even so much as laugh with you,
share a meal, or a moment in time,
i will hold space for you in my heart forever

i will hear that number on the radio and
visions will pass through my brain
interpolating into the melodies
capsules in time

and if you call i will surely answer
—be it twenty years after we part—
i will ask you about that time and
we will laugh again,
you will remind me of what i used to know

i will think of you, fondly,

— The End —