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 Aug 2014 Raphael Uzor
Make my eyes shed again,
so that I can write.
I haven't ever looked into the eyes of an animal or a bird

And seen sin there!
Get closer to yourself
Craving for your attention and care
The heart beats for you first
As you become aware of the world
Welcoming you to the celestial space
Carrying your beautiful soul
With all the pristine feelings intact
Ready to face the world and start living
In this chapter, don’t forget yourself
Pull yourself closer to your inner self
 Aug 2014 Raphael Uzor
The beauty of a woman
is in the poems she's wrote,
the dreams she's weaved
and all the stories she's told.

The beauty of a woman
is in the adventures she's taken,
the lives she's touched
and all the minds she's awakened.

The beauty of a woman
is in the caring she gives,
the sincerity in her laughter,
and the passion in her griefs.

It's not the expensive clothes she owns,
her body size, the diamonds she's worn.
Measure not the beauty of woman in gold,
for the beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul.
Dedicated to all women out there with an amazing mind and a beautiful soul. We are the gift of nature, soft enough to touch the core of others and strong enough to protect that and those important to us. I love you all. Believe in yourself and the world will believe in your power.

I'm honored to have it as the daily poem.
 Aug 2014 Raphael Uzor
November calls to me
in moaning wind rattling doors and shutters
bending gnarled weather scarred oaks

November calls to me
in blue gray mists
swathing forest and morning meadows
endowing them in aura of mystery

November calls to me
in icy drizzle
flooding like tears
filling me with hopeless despair

November calls to me
in dry rustle of dying leaves
echoing voices from yesterday
copyright 2014 David
 Aug 2014 Raphael Uzor
Despite impending loneliness threatening to suffocate me, one optimistic thought came my way as I strolled wearily homeward today from my work at the library.
Some compensations for isolation might prove as written in the following list.

1) I am not required to retire to bed or awaken at any given hour.
2) I possess the rare ability of being allowed the choice of my own meals and also the given time at which I prefer to eat, whether it be meager or hearty portion of vittles. Perhaps I may fast from breakfast altogether, and then again may feast upon indigestible dainties such as doughnuts or fruitcake upon retiring, accompanied by a novel of my given choice.
3) I am free to write poetry or from such to refrain according to my mood.
4) If I spill my tea or bread and butter falls onto the floor, who cares?
5) Nobody can demand me to clean the house even if it looks quite untidy.
6) If I sing or hum out of tune, there is no risk of anyone laughing at me.
7) If I fall into a trance of reverie and am out of touch with reality, who can upbraid me?

The list could go on and on interminably, but to sum the matter up, in short, I can most thoroughly indulge in all my whims be they ever so eccentric in tranquil solitude with no threat of a wife to nag or henpeck me. I am free to cry, laugh, sing, daydream, talk to myself, and every other foolish or wise thing a healthy man might crave to accomplish.
Thus musing upon these blessings, I strolled homeward with a lighter heart despite life's insurmountable obstacles.
copyright David upon August 11, 2014
I hate to say I don't care
But honestly life is so unfair
I dare not to say a word of more
Because I literally don't care anymore
Thank you hello poetry for selecting this as the daily poem but as well to everybody else! Hope your really enjoyed the poem!:)
It is a cold hearted world we live in filled with lying and deceit,
where hypocrisy is the mean of utter good conceit
Everything we do is mainly by statistic,
when will we wake up and realize democracy is realistic
Corruption is the main seize of power,
and we will only realize the truth in the final hour.
#arrogance #disgust #corruption
#help society
As i look from beyond the battlefield boundary,
i can hear the silent cry of an innocent country
The request for peace and prosperity should take the top list of priority,
as we stand together we can make more of an joyful majority

Peace is the seed that needs to be planted,
we should stop this bizarre violence and never let it be chanted
Peace is the seed that creates all light,
We must lower our selfish desires, and start the peaceful ignite
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