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 Sep 2014 Rafael
Tark Wain
 Sep 2014 Rafael
Tark Wain
It's not that
I didn't know what I had
It's just that
I never thought I'd lose it
 Sep 2014 Rafael
Tark Wain
 Sep 2014 Rafael
Tark Wain
If you put everything off until tomorrow,
Eventually tomorrow comes.
 Jun 2014 Rafael
Katy Owens
 Jun 2014 Rafael
Katy Owens
for my independent self feeding off lies and trying to live on my own
to pull me back to the throne

because I say what I'm doing is divine,
but the reality is
those plans are all mine

For my glory, for my fame,
but instead He gave up His name
Came to earth and
bore a cross for my shame

because I know I don't deserve it
I'm still trying to earn it

Living as an orphan
instead of a child
No longer lost, because for me
He was meek and mild

Lamb of God, slain
On Him all wrath was lain
So I could be free,
grace covers my iniquity

because I say I am strong
But really, it's His grace
that carries me along

because all that's left to see
is the cross as I cry,
have mercy on me

Grace because it's free,
and the beauty is I can never earn or deserve it
Grace that has set me free
Grace that says I'm redeemed

— The End —