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 Jul 2016 Rae Miller
Shine Luna Shine
Shine off the years of
Through those bars of rage
And painful plagues
Shine to the modern world,
Tell it to heavens gate
Shine Luna Shine
Did they break you?
Or ***** you a thousand times?
Didn't they **** you?
And make you a modern lie?
Shine Luna Shine
Shine off the evil deeds
That made you a laughing stock,
Shine off those evil words,
They told you at teenage age
Shine off the hatred
And make them roaming wretched,
Shine Luna Shine
Make them wonder
Shine Luna Shine
Make them a whirling wind,
Give them nights of terror
Soar and leap like an ocean,
Swallow them deep
Take them all
As you Shine Forth
Shine Luna Shine,
This is a poetic story that express deep rooted emotions.
 Jul 2016 Rae Miller
Lacey Clark
There was a feeling by the name Romance,
who asked if I would like to dance,
but clumsy I
could not comply,
my legs fell off by pure mischance.
Wrote a limerick on romantic struggles.
The moon and the sun
Together once stood
When the heavens were young
And the world yet good

They sang together
Across the blue sky
Of far off things
Unseen by the eye

In time however
They grew apart
No longer together
Of one shared heart

The sun grew lonely
The moon jeleous and bitter
As they took their turns
Setting the world aglitter

Long ages past
Infinite orbits revolved
Yet the two celestial's problem
Could not be resolved

The pain of loneliness
And that of regret
Struck the two bodies
Every time that they set

Tired and lonely
The sun reached out
And lended its light
That healing might sprout

And though together
They could never again be
They shared their light
Over both land and sea

That is why the moon
Carries the light of the sun
Long after it sets
When the day is done

And Ever do they sing
Carrying on that ancient tune
That once they sung together
United sun and moon
 Jul 2016 Rae Miller
Priya Devi
You and I are revolutionaries
Right up to the ruckus we cause daily
Switchblade tongues
And coal black lungs
And bittersweet intentions.

We are the voice of a generation
We the Degenerates
We the Proletariats
We the Lost and Found among the wreckage of the millennial metropolis.

Living in our forever 21 society
Governed by no laws and lack of sobriety
We the reckless
We the ruthless
We the key board warriors

Pixels and manic pixie dream girl *******
**** boys, man buns, Jordan's not brogues
We the soulless love makers
We the relentless heartbreakers
We the snapchat sexters, molesters
We the grotesque.

You and I know no boundaries
Lines crossed and used as skipping ropes
As ***** jokes, cut throat and savage
We the endless trouble makers

We who know the end is nigh  
Hiccuping our ways through orchestrated lies
Screaming and bellowing our silent pleas to this world of terror alight
Setting fire to ourselves daily
We the terrified
We the unjustifiable
We the hopeful sad

We the gods of everything and nothing
We the repercussion of double standards
140 characters in every psalm
We the unforgiving
We the unholy
We the non believers
We the incomprehensible in the face of sin

You and I are not recognised by x or Y
We identify in binary with the wind and the stars
Honest realisation that our little lives are insignificant to the monologue of the universe
Lighthearted libertines light years ahead and behind

We the star struck
We the scientists and academics
We the prophets
The artisans
The beauty queens
The mystics and cynics

And I am the voice of a generation you rendered speechless

— The End —