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  Mar 2016 provdisc
The crimes of my heart are swift and brutal.

Tell me again
you find masochism attractive,
and I’ll show you
true devotion
  Mar 2016 provdisc
Austin Bauer
Do you realize 
the impact you have
on those around you? 

The smile you gave
that waitress filling coffee
changed her perspective.

The young boy
that looks up to you
shapes his life after yours. 

The pastor who watched 
you grow up 
finds purpose.

The friend you met
at summer camp
smiles remembering. 

The song you wrote
alone in your room
is someone's anthem. 

That speech you gave
for extra credit
broke someone's addiction.

The time you prayed
for an impartation
empowered her to speak.

You don't realize
the effect you have
on everyone around you. 

Don't dare 
give up
on them.
  Mar 2016 provdisc
For that
one look,
for that
one touch;

Oh well.
  Mar 2016 provdisc
Tobias Engkvist
My apologies for what I said
I didn’t know which words to choose inside my head
What I meant to say I can’t quite explain
What I’d like to express lies on a different plain
I stumble and st-t-t-tutter over letters
Play hide and seek with nouns
My mind speaks a different language
Than the one I’m using now

Lost in translation
In translation lost
Translation in lost
In lost translation
  Mar 2016 provdisc
Donall Dempsey

"Je cherche le mot..."

Her left foot
had gone

. . .asleep.

The rest of her

. . . wide awake.

The net curtains
she noticed idly

needed washing

blew back
in an almost

theatrical( how

& there
stood Death

large as life
( so to speak ).

Death itself
like an old fashioned butler

"Almost a Jeeves!"
she chuckled softly

to her self.

"Madame, if I may
...have a word?"

"Oh, Mr. Death
surely not yet...not yet?"

Death smiled

"Le Roi, s'amuse. . ."

The unfinished Maupassant
falling from her hand.
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