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was it worth it?
they'll ask,
the time
the effort
the love.
was it all wasted?

i'll say,
i don't know.

it was my highest high
and some of my lowest lows

if you'd have asked me
where i thought i'd be by now
i'd tell you,
it wasn't here

i saw a future
(a long one)
full of growth
and love
and good food.

and maybe
(most likely)
i'm a naive fool

but maybe
(also likely)
i was just hopeful

so i'll stop short
of tearing my heart from my sleeve
i won't let myself grow cold and heart
i'll stay soft and tender
(for now)
In my darkest, deepest night
A gentle purr became my light
He curled beside me, soft and near
A quiet presence, calm and clear
With every breath he eased my pain
A silent friend who broke the chain
He saved my life with just a touch
A cat whose love meant so much
Lawrence Hall, HSG
13 August 2024

                                             Four Fresh Limes

When my neighbor left four fresh limes at my door
The universe did not hold its breath
In the realm of twilight, where shadows dance,
The last of us stood in a cosmic trance.
Beneath the eclipse, a celestial embrace,
A moment of wonder, a vision of grace.

As darkness veiled the sun's golden glow,
Our spirits awakened, ready to grow.
In the hush of the heavens, a symphony played,
Whispering secrets, as the sun gently swayed.

The eclipse painted the sky with hues so rare,
A tapestry woven with cosmic flair.
We gazed in awe, our souls taking flight,
Lost in the beauty of that celestial night.

And as the sun emerged, shining bright and bold,
We carried the magic, our hearts now consoled.
For in the last of us, hope will always reside,
Guided by the eclipse, forever by our side.
One day you will meet a girl who will walk you through a world you ought not to imagine,
She will tell you tales about the greatest love intent,
Y'll question everything you know,
She'll describe things in words you've never heard,
Her words will sound beautiful in your ears,
She will bring out a passion in you that no one knew.

Don't run away from what scares you,
You wouldn't be a hero if you do,
So don't run,
Walk through it all,
Feel the atmosphere,
Breathe the aroma of the newly love,
Isn't it refreshing?
Let the new experience teach you,
Kiss her so hard that you see stars,
Trace her scars, touch them,
Stare at her even if she's so bright that it burns

Don't run away, let if flow.
It won't always hurt.
What would you do?
When you did not prepare
You lived in a bubble, unaware
Would you watch your family die?
Hunger, pain in your family’s eye

What would you do?
Would you pillage rob steal
Knowing another life you’ll ****
Food needed for the other to survive

They prepared they knew how to stay alive
A life for a life you’re willing to trade
A deal with the Devil nonchalantly made

What would you do?
Kick in your neighbors door
grandmother, the children dead on the floor
So your family need not cry today
Godly, kind people are, easy prey
When you cross that moral line
Breaking God’s Law the ultimate crime

What would you do?
Would you sacrifice one of your own?
For the sake of your existence

Inspired Songs;
1) I am in a hurry by Alabama

2)Too much time on my hands by Styx

3) Fortunate son, by
Creedence Clearwater revival
For as long as I can remember
I’ve been looking for love,

With a heart full of stitches
And duct tape to hold it together,

Trust me, I’ve been looking everywhere,
Above the ***** dishes and below

Undone laundry, behind the litter box,
And besides the stack of books

That keeps growing every first
Paycheck of the month

Since the second one falls
Victim to responsibilities,

I’ve tried the mirror, I trace
The moles around my face,

And ******* own mouth
As I fog the reflection

And think on who I was
Before time was time,

While I walk back to my bed,
And the pillows that already

Need changing, I lay, like
I’ve laid before and prepare

To go to sleep below the sky
And above the ground.
who's to say my life
isn't full at twenty-nine
to each cup its own
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