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 Jan 2022 Polar
David R
Some say jealousy is human nature,
some say it comes from ego,
others point to culture
dressed up in smart tuxedo

i say its source is ignorance
not knowing your own worth
and that makes all the difference
knowing you're precious on Earth

its opposite is not indifference
its antithesis is not compersion
if one seeks from this vice deliverance
its antidote is introversion.

but there's no need to be a hermit
to live on tropical island
to run from life or to quit,
look within! 'n find your diamond
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
I believe in love
I believe it is the brush that paints sunrise
On a dark and lonely sky
Written when the name I wrote under was Lori Spring
 Oct 2021 Polar
Carlo C Gomez
Silver water
flowing out from under

Beautiful daughter of the stars
dancing in eclipse, remembering
the season of the sun

And how her
calculating love survived
its long hibernation

 Oct 2021 Polar
Irving MacPherson
The man said nothing is real

While making a sweeping gesture with his right hand
It's a simulation he says, all of it, nothing is real

I remember as a kid singing row row your boat
Reminding me to be happy because life is a dream

Again the man states while gesturing, nothing is real
Strawberry Fields, nothing is real, nothing to get hung-up about

The Hindu call it Maya, all an illusion, nothing is real

Science gods working toward virtual reality
Where we can't tell simulation from life, nothing is real
thoughts on the simulation
Here we are on this summer's day
Nothing much to do
The flowers they are on display
Yellow white and blue.

It's time to take things easy
Our working days are done
We get our pension weekly
Now we are soaking up the sun.

Now we are getting older
But we are youthful in our minds
The winter's now are colder
They were warmer in our times.

Our children they have fled the nest
They have gone there various ways
Although we see them less and less
Sometimes they come and stay.

Now we are never in a hurry
We come and go as please
And we have no reason to worry
We just love the summer breeze.

Now we count our blessings
There's far to many to say
And there are so many reasons
To enjoy this summer's day
Winter is here but we had a lovely summer.
 Feb 2021 Polar
Elizabeth Squires
the sun decided
not to shine brightly to-day
hence the sky being grey
 Feb 2021 Polar
Lorraine day
 Feb 2021 Polar
Lorraine day
My mind made a movie
Of the two of us last night
When everything was beautiful
And all the wrongs were right
The wind blew the storm clouds
The rain washed away the pain
The love we had returned
And the sun came back again
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