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poetryofdhiman Feb 2018
the woods are lonely like I am here today
lonely within myself without the real me
while the woods have one another
to hold each other in times of need
I have none by my side
not even my own self
the woods never chase sunrays
even when they are lonely in darkness
while I have lost myself
in chasing
all the things that I never wanted...

poetryofdhiman Feb 2018
in my days of teenage
i held you within me
with a silent love
that you didn't feel
and i kept on loving you
day by day
while you never felt it back
my little heart
became filled
with a love so pure
where dreams travelled
all day long
making moons and stars
decorating a house of love
Teenage is a lesson, a stage, a memory, where love runs within us giving us less joy than pain...
poetryofdhiman Feb 2018
if I had wings
like the birds
flying in the summer rain
I would have gone
to your city
by the street
where you walk everyday
to your sweet home
and sat there
on the window sill
at the side of your bed
where you sleep at night
like a princess of my dream
I would have caressed your face
and left kisses on your lips and cheek

poetryofdhiman Feb 2018
We are all broken
tiny pieces of
jumbled up life,
to be rediscovered
into something
as we embark on our journey
to become whole again
while some of us
are just too jumbled up
to be reassembled...

poetryofdhiman Feb 2018
I stood there
while you walked over the moon
into the darkness of the night.
I called you,
then gently
as I watched you get vanished
somewhere into the lap of the unknown.
I glanced at your footmarks,
but soon they left me too
and I remained silent and lonely,
to this day,
I'm standing here,
where you left me
to get lost in my way...

poetryofdhiman Feb 2018
The baby sun,
washed by the sea,
smiling at
the snow filled mountains
less brightly,
than the summer mornings.

than the moonlit nights,
it artfully kisses
and embraces
the forehead of 
the sleeping stars.

poetryofdhiman Feb 2018
That you said
And all the things
That I spoke,
Lost in the crowd of
That was left untold.

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