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 Apr 2015 karen dannette

As I live, I dream
As I dream, I view
What I view is love
And this love is you

As I wake, I think
As I think, I know
What I know is this
That I love you so

As I sit, I write
As I write, I send
Verses filled with love
That will never end

As I stand, I reach
As I reach, I fall
Deep within my dreams
Which aren’t dreams after all

As I look, I find
As I find, I feel
Nothing is a dream
Everything is real

As I live, I love
Who I love is you
Once you were a dream
Now you have come true
 Apr 2015 karen dannette
Be busy..
To be
Stress free.
waking up, drinking black coffee
trying to wash this darkness off me
hands shaking as i light a cigarette
these thoughts keep getting bigger yet

daybreak nightmare, nightmare daybreak
what does the night care?
just what a day takes

truth is, I don't know which is worse
sleeping in a nightmare, or waking to a curse
it acts out the same, forward or reverse
I guess the nightmares are my way to rehearse

daybreak nightmare, nightmare daybreak
what does the night care?
just what a day takes

waking up, drinking black coffee
trying to wash this darkness off me
hands shaking as i light a cigarette
these thoughts keep getting bigger yet
The drops
as black as her soul.
Blurred vision
by the salty streaks
rolling madly down
a face left scorned.
Swells of air
pulled inside lungs
that might as well be crushed.
Numbness spreads
like a disease from the knees
then to shaky legs.
After body separates from soul,
these lips will be last to go.
She'll never know
how her darkened soul
brightened my dreary day.
Old poem with some revisions. Written after my friend had gone through a rough funk.
Day* faded to *night
while I wasn't watching.

You were always too good for me
and **** it, I'm not good enough.

I wanted to see the sunset, but
when I remembered, the sun was a memory.

You called me a a sunset kind of girl
and I didn't have a clue what that meant
but I liked the way it sounded on your lips.

Stop that,  this has to be unrequited,
it's better for you, for me, too.
I'm not good enough for you.

*Just leave it to be worthless.
Nothing ever works out the way we plan.
You were the day, so crisp and bright.
The split personality which exists within us,
constantly battling for the spotlight of your mind,
feeding off your acquiescence to their imposing forces.
Beating like a drum at the sides of your skull.
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