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Dec 2014
it was so easy to love you,
to adore every little bit of your
youthful soul and take bites
of your cherry heart.

it was so easy to give myself to you,
my whole body, forever marked
by your rough yet tender touch.

it was so easy to kiss you,
the edge of your mouth breathing
onto my tongue, getting drunk
on your taste.

but what wasn't easy,
was forgetting you,
forgetting how you used to call
me yours, how you used to kiss
my eyelids, reassuring me that
everything is going to be okay.

it wasn't easy trying not to call you
at 3 am in the morning,
whispering how much I adore
the sound of your velvet voice.

it wasn't easy deleting you from
my poisoned mind, where you
were the only poison,
my deadly sin.

it wasn't easy giving up on you,
because I thought you mattered
more than the stars and you
proved me wrong in the worst way.
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