I'm running on the playground of life, There are so many ways This can go, to what end, People hop scotching Numbers Squares In-between, The lines never told you that the squares Are fate never moving off one Or landing on Ten, its a game of Chance, will you jump Or stay safely on the footing The square your on now, Then there they are those You know you see them playing With the rope, around it goes Skip, Jump, Fall, Jumping over life'stroubles, The more you jump the Faster It Goes You get caught in the troubles, "Life isn't now skipping along" It takes your feet from underneath Now your just hanging Feet off the ground Life, Death, Regret, The rope ends the troubles The noose tightened And the troubles Were last moments Now you are still, We will play many games "Running On The Playground Of Life" Just don't fall,don't get out of your depth, Life is for living some games are **better left.
Some games in life aren't meant to be played, life is luck don't test it as it never lasts