I'm the grouchy bear Waking isn't my style One eye Two eye, Open Closed, Hear me roar, "AAAAHhhhrrrrr" My lips do smack together, My morning breath peals the Wallpaper from the walls, I cuddle up again all is as before, One eye Two eye, Closed, Open Then locked tight once more, I nod off, nice and warm, Till my ears pick up noise, Coming within the door "Cold fingers" 1, 2, 3, 4, Planted on my back, as I jump With a chill, Giggles all around Except the rudely awoken "ME" I roar once again, as little feet Swiftly leave the room, Feet upon the floor Arms Palms Fingers Reach up connecting as I let out a "AAAHHHhhrrrrr" "Yawn" Under arm scratch Head scratch some more, "I am the Grouchy bear" "I like hibernating in my bed" Dare to wake me and hear my Growl, AHHHHhhrrrrr... "Ten more minutes cubs" As they giggle out the door...