It's easy to be good at many things, It's sad to be known for just a few; It's alright to try everything once, But it's hard to be an Ace among the crew.
It does take a lot of courage To accept the norms and later pine; But to stand up to what you believe in-- That takes a hell of a thick spine!
People call it arrogance, To walk away from the crowd; But with time, the one who walked away, Is the one who walks proud.
Free will is an illusion for many, It's a social necessity to walk in a herd; Society accepts you on its own conditions-- Which if not fulfilled, you remain unheard...
There's a monarchy of tradition, That feeds a monopoly of disappointment; It's your charity to their egos, That secures your appointment!
Go, find where you belong, Amidst this raging tide; Swim through the mailstorm, Pull at the chains that keep you tied.
Break free of those psych bonds, Move out into the light; Rid yourself of that ancient poison, And proclaim your own path as right.
It takes strength of character, And a lot of effort on your part; To sail smooth through this life, And still listen to your heart...