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Oct 2014
I don't want someone
So illuminated
With a bright light
Too keep me up at night

I want someone with contrast
Darkness, shadows
That makes the white whiter
And the black blacker

I want your darkness to add to my light
And my daybreak to enhance your night

I want to be your moon
With you as my sun
I ache to be your dark sky
Touched by your brilliant stars

I want someone with contrast
Darkness, shadows
That makes the white whiter
And the black blacker

I want your darkness to add to my light
And my daybreak to enhance your night

I don't need black
Or white
I need both, harmony
That you bring

I want someone with contrast
Darkness, shadows
That makes the white whiter
And the black blacker

I want your darkness to add to my light
And my daybreak to enhance your night
Words often happen
when I don't want them to.
But I need to get them out.
And they are often true.
- - -
** (12/23) I just remembered why I wrote this. And I want to throw up.
Written by
WickedHope  26/F/Not Boston, Almost Hell
(26/F/Not Boston, Almost Hell)   
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