...but soul mates you said, reminding me. I held that closest to my heart. Every time you asked me why do you do this to me? I smiled gently, because it was mutual. We couldn't help but love each other. I remember it. Every time I saw you my heart did jumping jacks. My arms ached like blood rushing to them to have you in them, my head filled with air, like a balloon filled with helium begging you to put your lips to them and **** the air out of me, leaving our voices a funny mess for each other to decipher. I remember, the exact way you held me and whispered to me that "with me nothing can get you, you're safe."* and I believed you, but you never told me that love had gotten me. dragged me deep within your heart, locked me in there without a key. left me there to drown in my tears and listen to the walls of your heart echo for another girl.