In the languid flow of eight in the morning she scurries beneath the lethargic settling of the chill of great October Learning much teaching everything and saying nothing she hasn't heard before The dull encroachment of winter pulls our eyes down like the flowers come to wilt under the heavy frosts In summer! Summer! We were alive and now it is a fight to move our legs oh we of the winter mountains and sweaters drawn tight around ourselves awaiting the spring again with baited breath The savage runners beneath the snow waiting with painted faces behind classroom walls spears of longing for longer days and Chopin plunking desperately on a piano played two hundred years ago. I am a child of Saturn, of death and the winter months but so too am I a keeper of this earth freezing over like the stones in the ground and begging for some warmth to touch me This thaw cannot come soon enough, for i fear that we shall all die alone in the snow with hardly the energy to punch through the ice to see the sun again.
this poem is about both winter and dying love i hope it doesn't happen again when i'm in his arms, the sun keeps me warm but if i leave them for just a second the leaves all start to turn and i am left to wonder if the sun was there at all