as fortune turned his back on him and hope got out of sight the sun eclisped and love escaped into the fading light all on his own, betrayed, alone no one even near had denied the truth for too long he stood and froze in fear
His silent screams remained unheard they just died away than finally he lost his faith his whole world turned to grey Shades of pale, diffuse light colourless and dim soundless echoes, ghosts of the past whispering to him
How could he leave this zone of grey He started to walk paths of shadow substance blurred, he went astray and for every step he stumbled on he had to give a piece of his soul away
soon he'll be a wraith himself last tribute left to give was his fear awakening clearness stroke him hard this would not be his end – not here
Ravishing beauty, colourful shades how could he have been so wrong? ignoring the welcome that twilight did offer this was the place where he belonged embraced the twilight, felt libidious power recreated, completed, transformed into someone new but Twilight's kiss demands its own price Now he'll be haunting you.