We knew them as rainmakers in days that have long passed Now they claim to be enlightened from this incarnation they're cast
They come from out of the woodwork these prophets of the Lord Claiming to be God's right hand man here just to give you your reward
The story is always the same bring your souls and your means Grow a ladder to the heavens by planting a few magic beans
Please forgive me the resemblance with the child's tale long told Perhaps they've been around as long as the prophecies they've foretold
So the next time someone tells you that they know the Lord's will Feel the cold winds whistling by it's their conscience that gives you chill
We see each and every time demons never appear And all the predictions they made were built on nothing more than fear
They don't know anymore than you how to ease your life's pain Nor do they know why the winds blow or how to make the skies rain
It never seems to end. These prophets predicting doom. The time before it was the Millennium. This time a date from prophecy. Always it is the same story these phony prophets of the scriptures. And always they leave nothing but heartache and disbelief in their wake.