When once we walked among the trees equals in every measure Both felt the blowing of the breeze that bespoke of life’s true treasure
We were once best friends together whose futures seemed boundless and bright Shall that friendship part forever with the dousing of our loves light
All was unknown, unseen, untasted emotions we had yet to show All that's left are feelings wasted those things that helped to make us grow
Shall they turn into bitterness to cover failings of our own Then douse down those whom others bless from a heart that has turned to stone
Through common things and days events for each moment there comes an end With our lives joys and discontents we choose whether we will ascend
One by one choices pass away grasping those that we most savor Oh may we not selfishly sway to envy those, others favor
I think many times on the friends whose lives have effected my own.So many times I wonder why I had such a hard life. The truth is I had a good life and I am very blessed to have the family and friends that I call my own. Envy, jealousy and all that goes with it always leads to pain and misery. Be happy to be alive and well.And hope for this fleeting moment that you might be given the chance to share in another s fate and love.For what else can any of us hope for?