Paper thin top soil Cracks seep through Red dirt. Bloodless gashes Simmering summer soil Baked turf. Rolled gold haze Aches as the Country stretches its skin- Near breaks ******* teeth ******* itches Red earth fit- To burst in a Dark cloud of dust, Choking soft as to soak The moisture fresh From your lungs.
Blinding blue sky Set for worship On a tall horizon Too far, too high For common souls- To float on a Breath of sweet dry air, Eternal journey to sunset Small piece of a dream To chase a grey cloud From sky to west.
Where subterranean Creeks used to slip by Rise in a ***** of land Where water once carved Its roam Now the winds sweep All traces away Back toward the sea, And fair beyond The aching dry eyes Of the sons of This red earth, A mist lies awake And prays for rain.