Scared Of Every second Of Every minute Of Every day Spend a lot of time in areas of gray Moved to the margins, before getting lost in the fold Waiting for the one bump in the road A proverbial tale retold The one thing That ends every dream, That costs everything Leading back too a familiar nothing Because why? Because I Have Never been perfect I've Never been worth it I've Never been proven different I'm Not worthy of any of it I beg constantly, Prove me wrong Somebody, Anybody, Is there nobody? Not a single soul Willing and able Too prove the fable Let me At least see How it'd be Too belong Family Friends Lovers Maybe even an enemy or two, Prove I was wrong thinking no one would come along I've put my desperate plea in a song With compassion in the composition The right music hits the heart strings some Just grasping for leverage, eyes fixed on the sun I don't want to want to be wrong But the list can't really be zero people long Don't let that be the conclusion I land on So fuuckin' lie to me... I don't know if I can count on another day With my own truth hanging over me That no one claims too see Woe is me