I asked him who he thought he was, doing all of this. With a faint smile on his face he said Life. After hearing the second L word that crushed my lungs that day, I slapped his face with all my anger. That was for every moment he made me regret something I'd done, and for every twist he had put in my path. For better or for worse, wasn't an excuse. Then I hugged him filled with contradiction, tighter than shoes 2 sizes too small. Thanking him for the moments where I couldn't stop smiling, dancing, laughing, singing; moments that make us all feel alive. Shortly after I broke down, still in his arms. "There is too much sadness in the world," I said in between sobs. A champagne bottle full, about to burst anytime someone opened the eyelid shaped cap. And lastly I kissed him. Everyone talks about the kiss of death and its bitter sweetness, but they're the ones who have never touched lips so alive they could make the sun rise with as much as a sigh. Before he was out of sight, he turned towards me and said, "I always go on." I then turned the opposite way and with every step, thought of whose breath made the moonrise.