your sister laughs at the to of her lungs while my tears water the pillow maybe the ashes on it will grow into a phoenix, probably not they say the phoenix rises from the ashes burns again then rises again then burns again then rises again, and the cycle never ends it feels like my life is going the same way crying in bed suicide attempts hospital beds and it feels like it's never gonna end but it ends though it doesn't feel like rising cause it happens again cause when I rise to the surface above the water it seems like I've forgotten how to take a breath it goes up and down but up doesn't feel good it's not as bad as down still, it feels confusing scary cause I know I will turn into ashes yet again your sister laughs I cry in my bed I keep it down so u don't hear a sound cause I don't want you to ask me why I'm crying I'll probably just end up lying saying I'm fine and I don't want your sister hearing me cry anyway the moon whispers goodnight but the drunk rooster screams wake up! I'm awake, rooster I always am but darling moon I'm dead inside