Remember that feeling in 2016, when your choices were - an orange crybaby or **** filled latrine.
Vote for the third party or abstain, both of which are options, options labeling you as vain.
A zero sum game. Only you're to blame. A sense of shame. Profanities, exclaim! . . . All in the same. . .
Take that nausea and superimpose it on to every aspect of your life. 2020 has been nothing but $h!t
Originally wrote this as I have been feeling uncertain lately. When I started supporting activist groups in my area, they preached do what you can but don't put yourself in danger. I didn't notice the fine print, if you don't quite your job because of racists you are a terrible person. Just about every at my job is racist and it sickens me. They are sexist too, so I may have white privilege (that I acknowledge) but I still get shat on. In the time of Covid-19, massive wildfires, and over 100k in student loans, I need this job. No matter how poorly I am being treated. Godess bless Capitalism! I have no support group, as they live across the country. I actively fear for my life. But no matter what I "choose", it is always wrong.